Report Reveals Business-Critical Cloud Adoption for Analytics and AI on the Rise, Yet Challenges Remain

Trifacta, a leader in data preparation and data wrangling, released its “Obstacles to AI & Analytics Adoption in the Cloud” report, which reveals inefficiencies that are hindering analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) adoption in the cloud.

The research, which surveyed 646 data professionals across different industries and titles, examines how organizations are handling the increased move of data to the cloud, the obstacles facing data cleaning and analytics and the time constraints endured when preparing data for analytics, AI and machine learning (ML) initiatives.

A closer look shows how these challenges are inhibiting the overall success of these projects, as well as the ability to improve data efficiencies and quicker decision making.

Data Inaccuracy is Inhibiting AI Projects googletag.


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display(div-gpt-ad-1439400881943-0); }); The time-consuming nature of data preparation is a detriment to organizations: data scientists are spending too much time preparing data and not enough time analyzing it.

Almost half (46%) of respondents reportedly spend over 10 hours properly preparing data for an analytics and AI/ML initiative while others spend upwards of 40 hours on data preparation processes alone.

Some of the leading implications of data inaccuracy result from miscalculating demand (59%) and targeting the wrong prospects (26%).

Data accuracy would improve if organizations were able to analyze unstructured third-party data from customers, semi-structured data or data from relational databases.

C-Suite Has Taken Notice Simply put, if the quality of data is bad, analytics and AI/ML initiatives are going to be worthless.

While 60% of C-suite respondents states that their company frequently leverages data analysis to drive future business decisions, 75% aren’t confident in the quality of their data.

About one-third state poor data quality caused analytics and AI/ML projects to take longer (38%), cost more (36%) or fail to achieve the anticipated results (33%).

With 71% of organizations relying on data analysis to drive future business decisions, these inefficiencies are draining resources and inhibiting the ability to glean insights that are crucial to overall business growth.

Rise of AI and ML Push Cloud Adoption The benefits of the cloud are hard to overestimate: Cloud technologies improve team collaboration and encourage a fast-moving, innovative environment where teams can utilize the cloud to store more data.

There are many reasons for widespread cloud migration with 66% of respondents stating that all or most of their analytics and AI/ML initiatives are run in the cloud,  69% of respondents reporting their organization’s use of cloud infrastructure for data management,  and 68% of IT pros using the cloud to store more or all of their data — a trend that’s only going to grow.

In two years from now, 88% of IT professionals estimate that all or most of their data will be stored in the cloud.

“As a growing number of companies make the move to the cloud and the willingness to invest in AI technologies continues to grow, organizations are realizing that bad data is slowing down and poorly impacting AI initiatives,” said Trifacta CEO Adam Wilson.

“Using intelligent suggestions, guided decision-making and interactive visualizations, Trifacta has worked to automate this traditionally expensive and time-consuming process.

Today, more than 10,000 companies across the globe have used Trifacta to improve the efficiency and value of their AI initiatives.

” Solving Inefficiencies with Automation Trifacta is a data preparation platform that empowers data analysts to explore, assess and refine data for analysis, and solve the big problems of their business.

Trifacta enables data analysts to more easily and efficiently work with diverse and fragmented data and frees up IT professionals to focus on more strategic work.

Methodology Trifacta conducted a global study of 646 individuals who prepare data.

The survey was conducted between Aug.

20, 2019, and Aug.

30, 2019, in conjunction with ResearchScape International.

Download the full new report HERE.

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