A Little Code

These companies put tons of time and effort into documenting, growing, and supporting their APIs.

All the best use cases for them involve interacting with them programatically.

Here’s the Stripe homepage, for example.

It literally says they give “priority to developers” and “code”:stripe.

comNo Code is No CollaborationIf you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.

I think the “No Code” movement is really the “No Collaboration” movement.

I suspect the Makers out there who would rather rely on “No Code” tools actually just don’t work well with others, and “No Code” is a placeholder for “No working on a team”, “No delegating responsibility”, or “No trying new things”.

They want to go fast because it exempts them from spending time listening to other people and learning new things, because they only way they’re comfortable relying on another person’s work, ideas, or input, is if it’s being provided “As a service” instead of “as a colleague”.

Being comfortable with code, even a little code, will make you a better teammate, it will make you a better manager, it will make you a better employee.

The examples I provided were real problems at real companies.

These are the places where big ideas are grown, and where other people get ideas for their own big ideas.

If you’re managing a project and that project requires code, won’t at least understanding code help you when deciding what tradeoffs to make and what timeline to establish?.If you’re an individual contributor on a fast moving team, won’t a willingness to use code make you more empowered and allow your teammates to focus on their own work?.I think it will, and that a little code is a much healthier approach to the workplace than no code.

Thanks for reading-Eric.. More details

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