Depth-First vs Breadth-First Search

This specific depiction is of a binary tree which can be determined by a maximum of two child nodes for each parent.

Tree CodeDisclaimer: I will be using Javascript to create a simple tree!Firstly, we need to create a node class:When we create a node class we pass it a value, or data, which becomes the data property of the node.

We also have parent and children properties which are null and an empty array, respectively, for now.

Eventually, the parent property will point to the parent of the specific node and the children property will point to the node’s children.

Then, we create the tree class:The tree class contains a single property, root, that is initially null.

Trees include prototype methods such as contains(), insert(), and remove(), but we’ll save those for a rainy day!Searching!Both depth-first and breadth-first searches are prototype methods of the Tree class which are used to determine whether a particular node containing specific data exists within a tree.

The depiction below shows the two different searching procedures.

Depth-First ApproachThe depth-first method starts at the root node and moves towards the left-most node.

Once it hits the left-most node, it traverses up the tree back to the root and then to the right-most node.

If it hits a node with children, it will traverse through that node’s children from left to right and then continue rightwards.

Search Order: [10, 4, 1, 9, 17, 12, 18]CodeDepth-first search takes in a value as an argument which is the value we’re looking for in the tree.

Since we want to traverse the nodes from left to right, we set the root as a stack because we want to take a last in first out approach.

Then we perform a while loop which continues as long as the stack contains elements.

Within the while loop, we remove the first element in the stack, or call the shift() array method, and set it equal to a node.

We compare that node’s data to the argument value and if they match, the function returns true.

If this is not the case, it adds the node’s children to the front of the stack, or calls the unshift() array method, and continues searching through the new data.

If the particular value does not exist in the tree, the function returns false.

Breadth-First ApproachThe breadth-first approach starts at the root node and traverses through each successive level to search for the desired node.

Similarly to the depth-first approach, the nodes are read from left to right at each level.

Search Order: [10, 4, 17, 1, 9, 12, 18]CodeBreadth-first search is similar in code to depth-first search.

It takes in a value to be found as an argument.

The difference here is that instead of utilizing a stack, we want to use a queue to be able to take a first in first out approach.

In the while loop, similarly to depth-first search, we want to use the shift() array method to remove the first element of the queue as a node.

However, if the node data is not the same as the value desired, instead of unshifting the node’s children, we will use the push() array method to add the children to the end of the queue.

This allows us to check the every node in a level before traversing through the nodes in the next level.

Finally, just like depth-first search, if the value isn’t found, the function will return false.

Which Do I Use?Though both depth-first(DFS) and breadth-first(BFS) searches are legitimate approaches and can reach the same conclusions, each one is favored under certain circumstances.

However, it is not often obvious which one is more efficient of the two.

Disclaimer: These are general guidelines!.Definitely not always the most optimal approaches.

DFS: Generally preferred when the tree is very deep and desired values or data occurs infrequently.

BFS: Generally preferred in shallow trees that aren’t too wide.

Also used if it is known that the desired node is closer to the root level.

Even though there are general preferences when deciding which method to utilize, if you are unsure, it is probably better to try both methods and see which one is more efficient.

For example, let’s say you’re using the tree above and you’re looking for the node containing 8.

The tree isn’t that deep so you might think it would be better to utilize a BFS.

However, it would actually be more efficient to use a DFS.

Let’s compare the two methods and which nodes have been traversed:DFS: 1, 2, 4, 8BFS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8Already we can see that a breadth-first search traverses through more nodes and therefore needs access to more memory.

Furthermore, once we locate node 8, the DFS stack would be [8, 9, 5, 3] while the BFS queue would be [8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14].

The BFS queue contains 2 more nodes, which doesn’t seem to equate to much in this example, but in terms of memory, it still uses a greater amount.

Therefore, in this particular situation, a DFS would be more efficient than a BFS.

Though this example is simple and straightforward, in situations where trees are deeper and wider, it is definitely much more difficult to determine which is more optimal.

The best way to dictate the better method is to attempt both.

ComplexityTime and space complexity for both DFS and BFS are pretty straightforward.

Since we’re speaking of tree traversal, in order to determine if a value or data exists within the tree, we must visit every node.

Visiting every node a single time means that the time complexity for both DFS and BFS are O(n), or linear.

If we think about trees as sorted arrays, we would only have to lop through a single time to determine whether or not a value matches the value we’re searching for.

Similarly, in terms of space complexity, DFS is O(h) and BFS is O(w).

For DFS, ‘h’ stands for height since how much space the function will take depends on how many nodes deep the tree is.

Likewise, for BFS, ‘w’ stands for width, since space depends on how wide the tree is.

Of course, these big O notations change depending on the data structure, but for the sake of trees, the time and space complexities will be the same.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article!.If you have any feedback or questions, let me know!.Hope you have a great day!.

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