Something Someone Somewhere Uses… Sometimes

Gitmoji says:Using emojis on commit messages provides an easy way of identifying the purpose or intention of a commit with only looking at the emojis used.Standard Commit MessagesGitmoji Commit MessagesSo coding begins on this project and the time comes to start making commits..I cruise over to Gitmoji and scroll around trying to find the best available emoji..This ends up taking a while as I learn the system..I also have a problem when I use the Windows 10 emoji tool (windows button + 😉 to insert the emoji into the terminal..When the commit message gets to GitHub, the emoji looks like ࢊ aka nothing..So this is becoming a giant waste of time, seriously disturbing my flow, yo.I was also unaware of gitmoji-cli at this timeInstead of running npm i -g gitmoji-cli, which I still haven't done, I spent the rest of the day making a VS Code extension and not working on my project..I had no idea what I was doing, but VSC is pretty amazing and has a tool to help scaffold an extension.npm install -g yo generator-code yo codeThe yo installs Yeoman and generator-code is the VSC tool that generates all the files needed for an extension, ➕ a Hello World.In any event, I found the docs and the api to be user friendly..Another ????.radical feature dude, is that VSC will automatically know that the workspace is for extension development (I believe this is based on ~.vscode/launch.json file the code generator makes)..Instead of running an npm script or something, just press F5 and a whole new window opens along with a debugger..I feel like a theme is developing of me worshiping my code editor…idk…we spend a lot of time together.After a few hours I had built a solution to my problem, integrated right into my favorite code editor..It works by having a big list of all the emojis and their definitions available in the command palette.. More details

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