How Data Science Is Improving Higher Education

Increasingly, colleges and universities, as well as governments, are using data science to improve the ways educational institutions do everything from recruiting to engaging with students to budgeting..It also discovered that students who had four years of a foreign language in high school were less likely to drop out.Using that data, Temple provided financial aid to at-risk students and also launched initiatives to help improve students sense of belonging on campus..Increasingly, schools are using data to decide which prospective students to target in order to develop their promotional campaigns and personalize their marketing content.To find potential students, many schools analyze the characteristics of those from the current year and then target high school pupils with similar qualities..Schools can also analyze data on which students graduated and were most successful to determine the types of people that may be the best fit for the university.Saint Louis University, for example, realized it had to expand its geographic reach based on a projected drop in the number of high school graduates in the region its students typically come from..Then, if they spot anything suspicious, they can send a team much more quickly.   Data science can also help academic institutions improve outcomes for groups that often face unique challenges in college, including minority, lower-income and first-generation students..This helps to move the students in the right direction before low engagement starts to have a more severe impact.From improving outcomes for students to helping schools be more competitive, data science is playing a growing role in higher education.. More details

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