I’m cautiously optimistic about applications of category theory. I believe category theory has the potential to be useful, but I’m…
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Classification of Moscow Metro stations using Foursquare data
Classification of Moscow Metro stations using Foursquare dataStanislav RogozhinBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJun 12This post is the capstone project of the Coursera IBM Data…
Continue ReadingHow category theory is applied
Instead of asking whether an area of mathematics can be applied, it’s more useful to as how it can be…
Continue ReadingColumnTransformer Meets Natural Language Processing
Photo credit: PixabayColumnTransformer Meets Natural Language ProcessingHow to combine several feature extraction mechanisms or transformations into a single transformer in a…
Continue ReadingGroups in categories
The first time I saw a reference to a “group in a category” I misread it as something in the…
Continue ReadingAn awesome guide on how to build RESTful APIs with ASP.NET Core
But believe me, that’s the truth. wtf — code quality measurement by smitty42 is licensed under CC-BY-ND 2. 0Let’s start by writing the…
Continue ReadingImage Classification for E-Commerce — Part I
No, it’s still not there!One of the most crucial procedures to be performed for getting the sought-after results follows. Data…
Continue ReadingWhat’s in a Name?
What’s in a Name?The ABC’s of Category Theory and Functional ProgrammingMagda SteniusBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJan 29Functional programming is no longer only an academic pastime.…
Continue ReadingPlayground Earth
As the name reveals, this means we create a matrix of the number of occurrences for all possible combinations of…
Continue ReadingA diagram type for a niche data use case
We would use the principle of small multiples to create a diagram of the same type for each country.an earlier…
Continue ReadingML-Powered Product categorization for smart shopping options
Enters Machine Learning!!Machine Learning Approach for hierarchical product categorizationChallengesThe machine learning (ML) approach uses text classification methods to categorise each…
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