Getting Started With Data Science

It’s been a very very long time since my last post.

I’ve been trying to find time, but somehow haven’t been able to.

Anyway, now that I’m back, let me jump right into the topic!Over the past many months, I’ve received hundreds of messages from people asking me how they could get started with Data Science.

Now, I’ve been trying to reply to many of these messages, but increasingly I’ve been finding it difficult to keep up.

Therefore, I thought it would be useful to write down a framework for those wanting to get started with Data Science.

 Data Science is in general an umbrella term.

A lot of different fields have come together to contribute to the term ‘Data Science’.

As a result, there is a lot of confusion out there.

In fact, there are many different ways to actually get started with Data Science.

One thing that struck me when answering the messages that I get was the background of the people asking me questions.

From students to engineers to accounting executives, there’s a lot of people from diverse backgrounds wanting to get into Data Science.

That’s great for the field!.But it’s difficult for me to be able to offer a generic advice to someone who has never programmed to someone who’s been programming all their life!.That’s why, I’ve come up with this framework of getting started with Data Science based on the background of the person.

It’s my hope that this framework will help you identify the path you can possibly take.

With this said, please go ahead and read the sections of the blog post that are most relevant to you.

Happy learning!Note that, this is a living document and I’ll keep updating and adding resources as I find them to be useful.

   Note: Some points are repeated in different sections.

Go to the section directly that’s most relevant to your background.


Developer/Programmer/Software Engineer/Coder   2.

Researcher/PhD/STEM Professional   3.

Non-Engineer/Non-STEM background professional   Alright!.Hope you’ve been able to identify exactly where you belong and have started working on it!.Note that this is only a framework.

You don’t have to follow it exactly to the T.

Feel free to pick and choose parts of the framework as it suits you.

But from what I’ve seen, if you can do most of what’s mentioned in the framework, it will help you perform well in your Data Science interviews and get a job in Data Science!.Let me know if this framework has helped you in any way.

To read more such content and even more interesting content, please follow me on LinkedIn.

It’s where I write often.

You can find my LinkedIn here.

  Bio: Imaad Mohamed Khan is a problem solver.

Data Science | Machine Learning | Python | Visualization | LinkedIn Content CreatorOriginal.

Reposted with permission.

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