Last night a friend from Vanderbilt, Father John Rickert, sent me a curious math problem. (John was a PhD student…
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Not even close
Very often what cannot be done exactly can be done approximately. For example, most integrals cannot be computed in closed…
Continue ReadingIllustrating Cayley-Hamilton with Python
If you take a square matrix M, subtract x from the elements on the diagonal, and take the determinant, you…
Continue ReadingDiscriminant of a cubic
The discriminant of a quadratic equationax² + bx + c = 0isΔ = b² – 4ac. If the discriminant Δ…
Continue ReadingApproaching the Problem of Equivariance with Hinton’s Capsule Networks
Approaching the Problem of Equivariance with Hinton’s Capsule NetworksJames MontantesBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMay 8Have a look at this:Now see this:Even if you’ve never been…
Continue ReadingLaravel Zero 5.8 Is Now Available
Visit the Laravel Zero website. Artisan Self Update CommandSince the early versions of the framework, Laravel Zero provides the app:build Artisan…
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PyTorch Basics: Tensors and GradientsPart 1 of “PyTorch: Zero to GANs”Linear Regression with PyTorchPart 2 of “PyTorch: Zero to GANs”Image Classification using Logistic…
Continue ReadingLaravel Zero/Dusk – Tracking twitter accounts
Laravel Zero/Dusk – Tracking twitter accountsMartin RiedwegBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJan 5I was looking for a small application idea to finally test Laravel Zero. I…
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