Introduction In part 1 we talked about how Baseball Operations for the Minnesota Twins wanted to run up to 20k…
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Automating Digital Pathology Image Analysis with Machine Learning on Databricks
With technological advancements in imaging and the availability of new efficient computational tools, digital pathology has taken center stage in…
Continue ReadingDeep Learning for Everyone: Master the Powerful Art of Transfer Learning using PyTorch
Solving the Challenge using Transfer Learning I’ve touched on this above and I’ll reiterate it here – we will…
Continue ReadingStyle up your photos with a touch of Deep Learning magic
Style up your photos with a touch of Deep Learning magicSee the artistic side of Deep LearningGeorge SeifBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJun 11Style Transfer in the…
Continue ReadingPandas for Football Player Value
Pandas for Football Player ValueA Web-Scraping and Pandas Guided TutorialStephen FordhamBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJun 1In Football, January offers a chance for teams in the League…
Continue ReadingExpensive Players Then and Now — An Introductory Scraping and Pandas DataFrame Example
Expensive Players Then and Now — An Introductory Scraping and Pandas DataFrame ExampleThe Most Expensive January Signings for Each Position in a…
Continue ReadingICLR 2019 highlights: Ian Goodfellow and GANs, Adversarial Examples, Reinforcement Learning, Fairness, Safety, Social Good, and all that jazz
By Inbar Naor, Taboola. We went to ICLR to present our work on debugging ML models using uncertainty and attention.…
Continue ReadingEverything you need to know about Google’s new PlaNet reinforcement learning network
Everything you need to know about Google’s new PlaNet reinforcement learning networkWhat Google AI’s PlaNet AI means for reinforcement learning research…
Continue ReadingA Brief Summary of Apache Hadoop: A Solution of Big Data Problem and Hint comes from Google
The answer is that we need this data to make more smart and calculative decisions in whatever field we are…
Continue ReadingHow to use the Style Transfer API in React Native with Fritz
How to use the Style Transfer API in React Native with FritzSameeha RahmanBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingApr 2Fritz is a platform that’s intended to make…
Continue ReadingTransfer Learning Intuition for Text Classification
xxmaj should i wait for the xxup comedk result or am i supposed to apply before the result ?,xxbos xxmaj…
Continue ReadingUsing FastAI to Analyze Yelp Reviews and Predict User Ratings (Polarity)
Using FastAI to Analyze Yelp Reviews and Predict User Ratings (Polarity)A Practical Example of Applying the Power of Transfer Learning…
Continue ReadingHow to Improve Performance With Transfer Learning for Deep Learning Neural Networks
An interesting benefit of deep learning neural networks is that they can be reused on related problems. Transfer learning refers…
Continue Reading10 Exciting Ideas of 2018 in NLP
By Sebastian Ruder, Aylien. This post gathers 10 ideas that I found exciting and impactful this year—and that well likely…
Continue ReadingStyle Transfer – Styling Images with Convolutional Neural Networks
Style Transfer – Styling Images with Convolutional Neural NetworksCreating Beautiful Image EffectsGreg SurmaBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJan 13In today’s article, we are going to create remarkable…
Continue ReadingPython Flask:REST API筆記
Python Flask:REST API筆記Jhih-Sian WuBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJan 6寫寫GET與POST、API的基本概念,不深究細節。Udemy課程本篇為Udemy課程REST APIs with Flask and Python,Your first REST API章節範例和我的補充說明,透過Python基礎語法讓讀者瞭解API概念。簡化過的內容,希望以傳達「概念」為主,沒有用過Flask應該還是能心領神會(?)老師的原始碼放在Github,可前往這裡下載。REST APIAPI(application programming interface)是應用程式的介面/接口,我們不需要知道背後怎麼執行,只要瞭解要跟它說什麼、以及我們可以拿回什麼。就像我們去速食店櫃檯點餐,櫃檯店員就像API接口,替櫃檯前的顧客、和後台廚房建立起友誼的橋樑。當我們和他說「請給我雞腿堡」,不需要管什麼原料、漢堡如何製作,稍待片刻廚房就會完成,並透過櫃檯店員轉手拿到我們面前的餐盤。我們在接口這端(櫃台店員)說需求,接著他會進行處理,例如去資料庫(廚房)拿東西,處理後告訴我們結果;過程我們只需要等待即可。REST API(Representational State Transfer API)是一種API的設計風格,關於我們怎麼和資料互動;這邊不深究細節,讀者可以想成是某個共識,例如請、謝謝、對不起,出現的語境會有對應的行為。GET與POST兩個最常見的HTTP動作,分別是讀取資料的「GET」、和新增資料的「POST」;就像我們開啟待辦清單,讀取既有列表就像「GET」,新增一筆待辦事項就像「POST」。從伺服器(應用程式)角度,對使用者發出的這兩個動作可以如此理解:GET — used…
Continue Reading“You can’t handle the truth!”
There are some layers, such as the output layer, that likely require more training than others, so we should use…
Continue ReadingTransfer Learning for Image Classification using Keras
This is exactly what we want since we’re going to train our own brand new FC layers for transfer learning.Flowing…
Continue ReadingReal Time Video Neural Style Transfer
The implementation of the model can be found in the PyTorch repository here.TrainingAn overview of the model architecture and training…
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