"white" : "black"};`export default props => { const { darkMode } = useContext(DarkModeContext); return ( <Layout darkMode={darkMode}> {props. children} </Layout>)}Now,…
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ReasonReact: Empower your Frontend with ReasonML
ReasonReact: Empower your Frontend with ReasonMLA step by step guide to create your first Reason-React componentPrateek PandeyBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMay 27image-credits: Rahul Raveendran“Work smarter,…
Continue ReadingHow to check password without using Auth in Laravel
How to check password without using Auth in LaravelHarshit VaidBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMay 28Hello Guys!I am here with another interesting blog about Laravel. Many…
Continue ReadingLearning to add git hook tasks: PHP-CS-Fixer
What I’ll show you below is one way to set that all up that will make use of the git…
Continue ReadingBreaking and taming the Promise chain in JS
You might need to resort to workarounds that make your code more complex and less readable. There is a better…
Continue ReadingUsing State Machines in Laravel
Using State Machines in LaravelJeff MadsenBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMay 20“State Machine”Does that send shivers of high-level, computer science theory dread through your body? Another…
Continue ReadingHow to approach solving a challenge during a coding interview
==> is false(i % 3) ==> type coercion — will check if value is falsy or truthyReplace i by a few numbers…
Continue ReadingBuilding a Serverless Lumen API with AWS Lambda and DynamoDB
Building a Serverless Lumen API with AWS Lambda and DynamoDBPietro IglioBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMay 18In my previous post, I explained how to run Lumen…
Continue ReadingHow to get started with D3 and React
"highTemperature" : "lowTemperature" }. Animating with transitionsFinally, D3 makes animating transitions easy. We could change text color to red. d3. select(this.…
Continue ReadingBuild a HTTP Proxy in Haskell on AWS Lambda
Build a HTTP Proxy in Haskell on AWS Lambdachris__baconBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMay 5This is just a quick one to put some Haskell code on…
Continue ReadingAn Intro to Javascript for Experienced Programmers Who Could Use a Strong Dose of Fundamentals
Use them in the body, of course. What do you think this is?(diameter) => diameter * 3. 14159265It’s a function…
Continue ReadingHow to destructure the fundamentals of React Hooks
That’s simply the initial value we’re setting the state instance to. In this case, we’ll sadly start off with 0…
Continue ReadingAn introduction to Law Testing in Scala
(e. g. : changing the person data type [adding a LastName field], repeated tests for other data types, etc)“ We…
Continue ReadingA Scala tutorial for Java developers
A Scala tutorial for Java developersDima StatzBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingApr 20IntroductionI was asked to prepare a 30-min presentation about the Scala programming language.…
Continue ReadingDynamically Update Positions During Drag Using react-beautiful-dnd
Basically, your array is being modified in two places (from dnd and from your setState in onDrag), getting re-rendered on…
Continue ReadingCombining constraints in PureScript
Indeed I can!type App a b = a binfixr 0 type App as :=>f :: forall m. MyM m :=>…
Continue ReadingHow to work with D3.js’s general update pattern
How to work with D3. js’s general update patternA guided tour on implementing visualization modules with dynamic datasetsChan Wen TjunBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMar 21Photo by…
Continue ReadingLaravel validation rule — telephone
Image courtesy of UnsplashLaravel validation rule — telephoneMatt KingshottBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMar 21In this new series, we’ll be exploring the concept of custom validation rules in…
Continue ReadingInfluxDB: Reorganizing Data with the Pivot Function in Flux
InfluxDB: Reorganizing Data with the Pivot Function in FluxSonia GuptaBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingFeb 16If you’ve been following along with my Flux journey as I…
Continue ReadingCallback, Promises and Async/Await — Asynchronous code in Javascript
Callback, Promises and Async/Await — Asynchronous code in JavascriptAravind SBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingFeb 7Photo by Markus Spiske on UnsplashJavaScript program is single threaded and all code…
Continue ReadingScala: comprehending the for-comprehension
We haven’t referenced foreach anywhere in our code, and yet the compiler complains that it is missing. Let’s try to…
Continue ReadingMulti-User API Authentication Using Laravel JWT
Multi-User API Authentication Using Laravel JWTJino AntonyBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJan 15RESTful API development using Laravel is quite easy. Laravel provides built-in support for API…
Continue ReadingHow to Configure SimpleSAMLphp for Drupal 8
How to Configure SimpleSAMLphp for Drupal 8Intuitive. Simple. Fast. Giandonato GrecoBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJan 15What is SAML ?Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an open…
Continue ReadingAthena vs Q: Battle of the Data Parsers
Either tool requires some interface for our data team to upload new files. They don’t care where the files end…
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