' % (ip2int(ip), tld_ex(domain)[1])) except: pass filenames = [(csv_gz, 'out. %s. csv' % str(uuid4())[:6]) for csv_gz in glob('rdns_*. json. gz.…
Continue Readingaddresses
Geolocation with BigQuery: De-identify 76 million IP addresses in 20 seconds
Geolocation with BigQuery: De-identify 76 million IP addresses in 20 secondsWe published our first approach to de-identifying IP addresses four years…
Continue ReadingBuilding Memory With Logic Gates
We’ll store it so that the instruction set corresponds with the memory address we want to perform the operation on.The…
Continue ReadingClustering Ethereum Addresses
Clustering Ethereum AddressesCategorizing addresses using patterns in transaction activityWill PriceBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingDec 6IntroductionEthereum users may be anonymous, but their addresses are unique…
Continue ReadingEconomic Impact of Poor Addresses in India: $10–14 Billion a Year
We estimate that poor addresses cost India $10–14B annually, ~0.5% of the GDP.A larger version of this article originally appeared…
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