The current pandemic has profoundly changed many things, but the demand for AI and Data Science education has not decreased.
What has changed is that move to online education has accelerated.
Many more universities now offer online degrees, including in AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning, so we have limited this directory mostly to universities that have Top Universities CS Rankings.
Many thanks to Asel Mendis for collecting most of the data used in this blog.
We published a similar list in 2017 and in 2019.
Here is our 2020 directory of the best online Master Degree programs for AI, Business Analytics, Data Analytics, Data Science and Machine Learning.
CS Rank is Top Universities Computer and Information Systems graduate programs rank.
They provide individual ranking for the top 50 schools, and then ranges (51-100, 101-150, etc) for the next 450 schools.
1 below shows the ranking vs tuition for schools with rank < 500.
Where ranking is a range, we took the midpoint of that range.
1: Top online MS in Analytics, Business Analytics, Data Science.
Only schools with Top Universities CS Ranking < 500 are shown.
The shape/color correspond to the type of degree: blue circle for Analytics, green square for business, and purple triangle for Data Science.
Shape size corresponds to the length of education.
Some observations: The most popular degree name was “Data Science”, used in more than half of the surveyed schools, followed by Data Analytics (17%), and Business Analytics (9%).
Here is the frequency of the degree names (after removing MS, MSc, Masters, etc): The table below gives the details for 64 top online MS programs.
In some cases, when the CS Top Universities ranking was not available, we gave the Top Universities global ranking for the entire university.
Table 1: Top online MS in Analytics, Business Analytics, Data Science.
We hope that this listing is useful, and if we missed something, please add in comments.
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