Marcelo Rovai

Sensing the Air QualityA low-cost IoT Air Quality Monitor based on RaspberryPi 4How safe are the streets of Santiago?Let's answer it with Python and GeoPandas!How to Capture Weather Data with your own IoT Home StationCapturing weather data, and logging them…Colorizing Old B&W Photos and Videos With the Help of AI(Almost) Real-Time Twitter Sentiment Analysis with Tweep & VaderMapping Geograph Data in PythonOne great help when working in Data Science, is to visualize your data on a geo map and for that…IoT Made Easy: ESP-MicroPython-MQTT-ThingSpeakUsing MQTT protocol, we will get captured data from sensors, logging them to an IoT service, ThingSpeak.

com and to a mobile App, Thingsview.

MicroPython on ESP Using Jupyter NotebookLet’s play with MicroPython on an ESP using a Jupyter Notebook in order to get data…Physical Computing using Jupyter NotebookLearn how to install Jupyter Notebook on a Raspberry Pi, and directly on it, read…Automatic Vision Object TrackingA pan/tilt servo device helping a camera to automatically track color objects using vision.

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