Getting Started with TensorFlow.js

We don’t want our model to learn the ordering of the data, just the relationship between different examples.

After the training is complete (might take some time) you can use your model to predict what amount of pounds correspond to 10 kg:10 kg to lbs: 22.

481597900390625Seems to be doing good, right?ConclusionCongratulation on finishing the first part of your journey to Machine Learning understanding.

You learned about:Tensors: n-dimensional data containerstfjs-vis: visualization library integrated with TensorFlow.

jspredict pounds from kilograms using a simple modelRun the complete source code for this tutorial right in your browser:getting-started-tensorflow-js — CodeSandboxTutorial on the basics of TensorFlow.

js in the browser.

Includes Tensors, visualization with tfjs-vis and building a…codesandbox.

ioI hope that this tutorial just made you thirsty for knowledge about what is possible with Machine Learning and JavaScript.

Ready for the next one?Originally published at https://www.



Build Machine Learning models (especially Deep Neural Networks) that you can easily integrate with existing or new web apps.

Think of your ReactJs, Vue, or Angular app enhanced with the power of Machine Learning models:Deep Learning for JavaScript HackersBuild Machine Learning models (especially Deep Neural Networks) that you can easily integrate with existing or new web…leanpub.


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