Basics of BASH for Beginners.

Since GUIs are not programmable, it would take forever for us to rename or separate them With the command line, however, we could quickly achieve this in a few lines of code.

The Unix shell is a pretty powerful tool for developers of all sorts.

This article intends to give a quick introduction to the very basics starting from the UNIX operating system.

UNIXMost operating systems today except the WINDOWS based, are built on top of UNIX.

These include a lot of Linux distributions, macOS, iOS, Android, among others.

A mere glance at the family tree of UNIX-based operating systems is sufficient to highlight the importance of UNIX, and this is the reason why it has been so widely adopted in the industry.

In fact, the back end of many data and computing systems, including industry giants like Facebook and Google, heavily utilize UNIX.

The UNIX Family Tree.

Source: WIkipediaShellShell is a command line interface for running programs on a computer.

The user types a bunch of commands at the prompt, the shell runs the programs for the user and then displays the output.

The commands can be either directly entered by the user or read from a file called the shell script or shell program.

Shell typesThe UNIX system usually offers a variety of shell types.

Some of the common ones are:We shall, however, limit ourselves to the Bash shell in this article.

However, you are encouraged to read and try the other shells also especially the zsh shell since, in the latest MacOS called Catalina, zsh will replace the bash shell.

So it’ll be a good idea to get to know it, now.

TerminalThe terminal is a program that is used to interact with a shell.

It is just an interface to the Shell and to the other command line programs that run inside it.

This is akin to how a web browser is an interface to websites.

Here is how a typical terminal on Mac looks like:A Typical Mac TerminalMac and Linux have their respective versions of the terminal.

Windows also has a built-in command shell, but that is based on the MS-DOS command line and not on UNIX.

So let’s see how we can install a shell and a terminal program on Windows that works the same as the ones on Mac and Linux.

Installation on WINDOWSWindows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)It is a new Linux compatibility system in Windows 10.

The WSL lets developers run GNU/Linux environment — including most command-line tools, utilities, and applications — directly on Windows, unmodified, without the overhead of a virtual machine.

You can read more about its installation and features here.

Git BashGit Bash is something that we will use for this article.

Download the Git on your Windows computer from here and install it with all the default settings.

What you get in the end is a terminal window, something like the one below.

A Windows Git BashExploring the TerminalWhenever we open a terminal window, we see our last login credentials and a Shell prompt.

The Shell prompt appears whenever the shell is ready to accept the input.

It might vary a little in appearance depending upon the distribution, but mostly it appears as username@machinename followed by a $ sign.

In case you do not want this whole bunch of information, you can use PS1 to customize your shell prompt.

The terminal will now only show the $ at the prompt.

However, this is only temporary and will reset to its original settings, once the terminal is closed.

Getting startedTo get a little hang of the bash, let’s try a few simple commands:echo: returns whatever you type at the shell prompt similar to Print in Python.

date: displays the current time and date.

cal: displays a calendar of the current month.

Clearing the Terminal : Ctrl-L or clear clears the terminalBasic Bash CommandsA bash command is the smallest unit of code that bash can independently execute.

These commands tell bash what we need it to do.

Bash generally takes in a single command from a user and returns to the user once the command has been executed.

The Working Directorypwdpwd stands for print working directory and it points to the current working directory, that is, the directory that the shell is currently looking at.

It’s also the default place where the shell commands will look for data files.

A directory is similar to a folder, but in the Shell, we shall stick to the name, directory.

The UNIX file hierarchy has a tree structure.

To reach a particular folder or file, we need to traverse certain paths within this tree structure.

Paths separate every node of the above structure with the help of a slash( / ) character.

Navigating DirectoriesCommands like ls and cd are used to navigate and organize the files.

lsls stands for a list and it lists the contents of a directory.

ls usually starts out looking at our home directory.

This means if we print ls by itself, it will always print the contents of the current directory which in my case is /Users/parul.

My Home directory represented in the shell and the GUI interface.

ParametersThe parameters and options turn on some special features when used with the ls command.

ls <folder> : to see the contents of a particular folder.

ls -a: For listing all the hidden files in a folderls -l: Prints out a longer and more detailed listing of the files.

ls -l can also be used with the name of the Directory to list the files of that particular directory.

ls ~: tilde(~) is a short cut which denotes the home directory.

So, regardless of what directory we are into, ls ~ will always list the home directory.

WildcardThe shell also lets us match filenames with patterns, denoted by an asterisk(*).

It serves as a wildcard to replace any other character within a given pattern.

For example, if we list *.

txt, it will list all the files with a .

txt extension.

Let’s try and list out all the .

py files in our Demo folder:cdcd stands for Change Directory and changes the active directory to the path specified.

After we cd into a directory, ls command can be used to see the contents of that directory.

Let’s see some of the ways in which this command can be used:cd <Directory>: changes the current directory to the desired Directory.

Let’s navigate to the test directory which lies within the Demo directory and see the contents of it with the ls command.

Note that we can also use a semicolon(;) to write two commands on the same line.

cd .

 : To go back to the parent directory.

cd : To go back to the home directoryOrganizing FilesThere are certain commands which let us move, remove, create, and copy files from within the shell itself.

mkdirmkdir stands for Make directory and is used to make a new directory or a folder.

mvmv stands for Move and it moves one or more files or directories from one place to another.

We need to specify what we want to move, i.


, the source and where we want to move them, i.


, the destination.

Let’s create a new directory in the Demo Folder called PythonFiles and move all the .

py files from the Demo folder into it using the above two commands.

touchThe touch command is used to create new, empty files.

It is also used to change the timestamps on existing files and directories.

Here is how we can create a file called foo.

txt in the Demo folder.

rmrm stands for Remove and it removes files or directories.

By default, it does not remove directories, but if used as rm -r * within a directory, then every directory and file inside that directory is deleted.

Let’s now remove the previously created foo.

txt file.

rmdirrmdir stands for remove directory and is used to remove empty directories from the filesystem.

Let’s delete the PythonFiles folder that we created a while ago.

Note that .

/ denotes the parent directory.

Viewing FilesThis is another aspect of the shell, which is super useful.

There are commands which help us to view the contents of a file so that we can then manipulate them.

catcat stands for concatenate and it reads a file and outputs its content.

It can read any number of files, and hence the name concatenate.

There are some text files in our Demo folder and let’s use cat to view their content.

To view more than one file, mention both the filenames after the cat command:$ cat Names.

txt fruits.

txtlessThe cat command displays the contents of a file on the screen.

This is fine when the contents are less but becomes a problem when the file is big.

As can be seen in the example below, the command pops out everything at the terminal at a very high speed, and we cannot make sense of all the contents of the file.

Fortunately, there is a command called less which lets us view the contents, one screen at a time.

$ less babynames.

txtThere are certain options with less that can be used:Spacebar : To go to the next screenb: to go to the previous screen/: to search for a specific wordq: quitPipelines and FiltersThe pipe operator ‘|’ (vertical bar), is a way to send the output of one command as an input to another command.

command1 | command2When a command sends its output to a pipe, the receiving end for that output is another command, not a file.

The figure below shows how the wc command count the contents of a file which have been displayed by the cat command.

in a way wc is a command that takes in inputs and transforms those inputs in some way.

Such commands are called filters and are placed after the Unix pipe.

FiltersLet’s now look at some of the commonly used filter commands.

We shall be working with a file called babynames.

txt that contains around 1000 baby names and a fruits.

txt file that contains names of few fruits.

grep or global regular expression print searches for lines with a given string or looks for a pattern in a given input stream.

The following command will read all the files and output all the lines that contain either the word ‘Tom.

’But this is a vast list, and we cannot possibly make sense of all these data just blasted at the terminal.

Let’s see how we can use the pipe operator to make sense out of it.

wc is short for word count.

It reads a list of files and generates one or more of the following statistics: newline count, word count, and byte count.

Let's input the output of the above grep command to wc to count the number of lines that contain the word ‘Tom.

’sort filter sorts lines alphabetically or numericallyThe cat command first reads the contents of the file fruits.

txt and then sorts it.

uniq stands for unique and gives us the number of unique lines in the input stream.

It is important to note that uniq cannot detect duplicate entries unless they are adjacent.

Hence we have used sorted the file before using the sort command.

Alternatively, you can also use sort -u instead of uniq.

Pipelines come in very handy for performing some complex tasks as several of the commands can be put together into a pipeline.

Further ReadingCommand Line tools can be a great addition to the toolkit.

Initially, it can be intimidating for beginners, but once they get the hang of it, its real advantages and benefits can be realized.

This article is to make one started and only scratches the surface.

There are a plethora of useful resources available online to explore and learn about the shell in details.

Here are some of the recommended resources:The Linux Command Line Fifth Internet Edition William ShottsBash Beginners GuideThe Bash Academy.

. More details

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