Uploading Files in React While Keeping The UI Completely In Sync

This post will teach you how to create a user interface containing a file upload component that will help users select and send their files somewhere, while allowing the interface to tap into every update from the moment of instantiation to the end.

Creating the component is one thing, but having the UI in sync with state updates throughout the whole process is a different story.

Let’s begin!In this tutorial we are going to quickly generate a react project with create-react-app.

Go ahead and create a project using the command below.

For this tutorial i’ll call it file-upload-with-ux.

npx create-react-app file-upload-with-uxNow go into the directory when it finishes:cd file-upload-with-uxThe first thing we are going to do is open up App.

js and replace the default code with our own implementation:src/App.

jsHere we defined a form element and passed in an onSubmit handler so that we can access all of the files the user selected once they hit submit.

Inside the form, we defined the file input component which will allow the user to select any of their files.

The input takes in an onChange handler so we pass that in as well.

The onChange handler will be able to receive the files by accessing e.


files inside the first argument.

I applied some basic styles inside App.


You can choose to use them or skip this step:App.

cssSo we have a basic component set up with the handlers set in place.

We’re now going to create a custom react hook so that we can place all of the dirty state logic inside — away from the UI components.

I’m going to call this useFileHandlers.


jsThe most important part of this entire post is probably the initialState shown above.

This is what will allow the UI to tap into every moment of the file uploading process.

files is where the user initially loads an array of files by selecting them from the file input.

pending will be used to let the UI know what file is currently being processed and how many files are left over.

next will be assigned the next item in the pending array when the code detects that it’s ready to do so.

uploading will be used for the code to know that files are still being uploaded.

uploaded will be the object we insert files into as soon as they are done uploading.

And finally, status is provided as extra convenience mainly for the user interface to utilize to its advantage.

We are going to use the useReducer hook api from react because its perfect for our use.

But first, lets define some constants above the useFileHandlers hook so we make sure we don’t mistype anything later when applying state updates:src/useFileHandlers.

jsconst LOADED = 'LOADED'const INIT = 'INIT'const PENDING = 'PENDING'const FILES_UPLOADED = 'FILES_UPLOADED'const UPLOAD_ERROR = 'UPLOAD_ERROR'These will go into the reducer that gets passed in as the first argument to useReducer.

Now to define the reducer:src/useFileHandlers.

jsconst reducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.

type) { default: return state }}We probably shouldn’t be forgetting about importing useReducer from react now, eh?src/useFileHandlers.

jsimport { useReducer } from 'react'Now to define the state/dispatch API into the hook:src/useFileHandlers.

jsconst useFileHandlers = () => { const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState) return {}}export default useFileHandlersNow we’re going to go back to the onChange implementation we set earlier and enhance it further.

Let’s add a new switch case into the reducer for it before we do that:src/useFileHandlers.

jsconst reducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.

type) { case 'load': return { .

state, files: action.

files, status: LOADED } default: return state }}This will allow the onChange handler to pass files into the state as soon as it invokes:src/useFileHandlers.

jsconst onChange = (e) => { if (e.



length) { const arrFiles = Array.



files) const files = arrFiles.

map((file, index) => { const src = window.


createObjectURL(file) return { file, id: index, src } }) dispatch({ type: 'load', files }) }}Something to note here is that e.


files isn’t an array when we retrieve it from the event object — its a FileList.

The reason why we are converting it to an array is so that the UI components can map over them and show useful information like file sizes and file types.

Otherwise, the components will make the app crash trying to map over FileLists.

So far, here’s the entire implementation of our custom hook:src/useFileHandlers.

jsNow we’re going to focus on the other handler — onSubmit.

This invokes when the user submits the form (obviously).

Inside the onSubmit handler we wrap it with a useCallback so that it will always obtain the latest state values.


jsimport { useCallback, useReducer } from 'react'src/useFileHandlers.

jsconst onSubmit = useCallback( (e) => { e.

preventDefault() if (state.


length) { dispatch({ type: 'submit' }) } else { window.

alert("You don't have any files loaded.

") } }, [state.


length],)This onSubmit handler invokes after onChange, so it can just pull in the files from state.

files that was just set by onChange, to instantiate the upload process.

And to instantiate the upload process, we need another switch case for that:src/useFileHandlers.

jsconst reducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.

type) { case 'load': return { .

state, files: action.

files, status: LOADED } case 'submit': return { .

state, uploading: true, pending: state.

files, status: INIT } default: return state }}Okay, now here’s what happens:It changes state.

uploading to true.

When you change state.

uploading to true, you can start wreaking havoc with the UI components and display anything you want to the user as long as they understand that you are trying to convey some message to them that the files are being uploading.

It initiates state.

pending with all of the files that the user selected.

You can go ahead and wreak havoc with the UI components with this too.

There are so many ways to use this part of the state.

For now however, i’ll just skip that part because I want to get through the whole tutorial with you first.

It sets the convenience part of the state, status to “INIT”.

You can also use this somewhere in the hook or in the UI to trigger some onStart logic, or whatever you want — since it won’t ever come back to this value until a new upload process starts.

Now we’ll return the states as well as the onSubmit and onChange handler back out so that the UI can happily access them:src/useFileHandlers.

jsreturn { .

state, onSubmit, onChange,}src/useFileHandlers.

jsThe next thing we’re going to tackle is the useEffect part.

We need the useEffect to facilitate a “run-to-completion” functionality.

These useEffects are a pretty important implementation in this tutorial because they are what creates a perfect, consistent synchronized flow between the UI and the custom hook — everywhere as you will see in a bit.


jsimport { useCallback, useEffect, useReducer } from 'react'We’re going to define our first useEffect which will be responsible for facilitating the next file to be uploaded as soon as it detects that it is ready to do so (as long as there are still items in state.


js// Sets the next file when it detects that state.

next can be set againuseEffect(() => { if (state.


length && state.

next == null) { const next = state.

pending[0] dispatch({ type: 'next', next }) }}, [state.

next, state.

pending])It grabs the next available file in the state.

pending array and creates a signal using dispatch, sending the file as the next state.

next object:src/useFileHandlers.

jsWe added a status: PENDING here as a convenience again.

However you choose to handle this part of the upload process is entirely up to you!This next snippet is going to show a utility function that I provided just to help log to the console for you to see, just for this tutorial.


jsconst logUploadedFile = (num, color = 'green') => { const msg = `%cUploaded ${num} files.

` const style = `color:${color};font-weight:bold;` console.

log(msg, style)}The second useEffect we will apply next will be responsible for uploading the next file that was just set in the state:src/useFileHandlers.

jsInside the .

then() handler I created a new variable prev and assigned it the next object that finished uploaded.

This is just for readability purposes because we don’t want to be confused in the switch cases, as we will see in a bit.

You might have noticed that there was a useRef snuck in there.

Yes, I confess.

I did it.

But the reason why I did it is because we’re going to use and mutate it for the logUploadedFile utility function that I provided.


jsimport { useCallback, useEffect, useReducer, useRef } from 'react'Oh, and if you need some mock function to simulate an “upload” promise handler as seen in the snippet, you can use this:const api = { uploadFile({ timeout = 550 ) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve() }, timeout) }) },}Now go ahead and update your reducer by applying the file-uploaded and set-upload-error switch cases:src/useFileHandlers.

jsFor the file-uploaded case, we reset next back to null so that the first useEffect can respond to it again.

When it does, it will pull in the next file in the state.

pending queue and assign that to the next state.

next value.

You can already start to see how this becomes a self-running process — a run to completion implementation!Anywho, we apply the file that was just uploaded to the state.

uploaded object so that the UI can use this to their advantage as well.

This is also a really useful feature in this tutorial because if you were rendering a bunch of thumbnails you can shade each row out after they’re uploaded on the fly! 🙂 Screenshots at the end of this post.

The third useEffect will be responsible for shutting down the upload process by sending a files-uploaded signal to the reducer:src/useFileHandlers.

js// Ends the upload processuseEffect(() => { if (!state.


length && state.

uploading) { dispatch({ type: 'files-uploaded' }) }}, [state.


length, state.

uploading])Adding that to the reducer looks something like this:src/useFileHandlers.

jsAnd we are done with the custom hook!.Hurray!Here is the final code for the custom hook:src/useFileHandlers.

jsBut wait, it’s not over yet.

We still need to apply this logic to the user interface.

Aww shucks!We’ll import the useFileHandlers hook and use it in the component.

We'll also make the UI map over each file and render them as thumbnails:src/App.

jsThis basic component just renders a bunch of thumbnails when they’re loaded.

I didn’t go too crazy with the styles since I’ll leave that all up to you to have fun with.

But if you want to use the basic styles here they are:src/App.

cssWhat happens when all of the files are done uploading?.Well, nothing yet really.

But we can at least display something to the user to have them know that its done:src/App.


cssThis time, status is being used here.

See, it’s pretty useful, isn’t it?.You can make some pretty amazing complex looking UI with the other status values as well when combined with state.

pending and others.

Send me an email with a couple of screenshots if you did something amazin with this tutorial!Final output:src/App.


css(Media queries for mobile devices included)ScreenshotsI provided some screenshots of a basic UX implementation using the code in this tutorial:onChangelogUploadedFile()state.

pendingConclusionThat concludes the end of this post.

I hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading and let me know if you had any questions implementing this on your own!.

. More details

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