Awesome New Python 3.8 Features

Awesome New Python 3.

8 FeaturesGet to know the useful new python 3.

8 featuresFarhad MalikBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJun 12There are a number of new Python features have been added to the version 3.


However, some of the features are simply awesome.

This article will outline the new features of Python 3.

8 which you should be familiar with.


Assignment Expressions :=It is also known as walrus operator.

It assigns values to variables as part of an expression without initialising them up front.

if (my_variable := get_input()) == 100: perform_action_as_my_variable_is_hundred();Here, the variable “my_variable” has been assigned a value.

This feature is unavailable in list comprehensions and other expression contexts.

It is only available in statement forms.


Positional-only parameters (/)If you want to call a function in Python that accepts parameters then you can pass the arguments by position or by keyword.

But what if we want to restrict the callers of our API to only call our function by passing in parameters by position?The positional-only parameter functionality solves it:def add(a, b, c, d=None, /): x = a+b+c if d is not None: x = x+d return xAs a consequence, add(1,2,3) and add(1,2,3,4) are valid calls/However, add(a=1,b=2,c=3) or add(1,2,3,d=4) are all invalid calls.


For Debugging Ease, f-strings now support =The specifier = can be added to the f-strings now.

f -strings are in the form of f'{expr=}' Notice the ‘=’.

The equal sign can help us evaluate the expression:input = 100output = 50print(f'{input-output=}')Would print 100-50=50.

This makes debugging really easy as the function is evaluated and the output is produced.



lru_cache can be added as a decoratorfunctools.

lru_cache is great for recursive calls.

A dictionary is used to cache the results.

We can now add the functools.

lru_cache() decorator@lru_cachedef my_function(input): some io bound or recursive function5.

Reversed(sequence) Is IntroducedA number of times, I wanted to reverse an iterator.

Luckily, reversed(input) is now added for Dict and dictviews objects.

The input argument in the reversed function must have a __reversed__() function, OR it must have the __len__() and __getitem()__ method whereby the arguments start at 0.

Photo by Nick Fewings on UnsplashThat’s All FolksRead the changelog for complete listHelpful ArticlesIf you want to understand Python from start to end then read this article:Everything About Python — Beginner To AdvancedEverything You Need To Know In One Articlemedium.

comIf you believe you are ready to solve practical exercises then have a look at this article:5 Python ExercisesBest Way To Practice And Strengthen Your Python Skillsmedium.

comSummaryThis article provided a summary of the awesome Python 3.

8 features.

Hope it helps.

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