A New, Better Way to Automatically Update Docker Containers

Usually a developer will just issue a docker run.

and say, “Cool, my app is deployed, now consumers can quit hounding me.

”It’s not ideal… but again… the reality.

Updating the Containerdocker stop .

docker rm .

docker pull .

docker run .

Yep, we know how that goes.

Automate the ProcessThere’s a popular open source project called Watchtower that has the ability to “watch” running Docker containers on either the same local or remote host, check if there is a newer image in the remote registry, and then update the container with the new image using the same configuration options it was instantiated with.

Pretty cool right?Absolutely.

This application really intrigued me, so naturally I started digging through the source, which is written in Go.

The issue was I couldn’t follow a lot of what was going on in the application due to its lack of readability.

I’m not a Go expert, but can still follow logic in most cases.

This was not one of those cases…I thought it was natural that it was written in Go since, well, Docker is.

I knew there were two Docker SDK options available in Go and Python, so I thought to myself, “OK, Watchtower is the Go version of auto-updating containers, where’s the Python version?” Well, guess what… it didn’t exist.

Reinventing the WheelWhy?I was somewhat shocked to see someone had not done a similar thing using the Docker Python SDK.

And so went the thought process, “Hey, I dig Python.

I’ll try my hand at it.

” It is the Hacktoberfest season after all.

After a weekend of playing with Docker Python SDK, I saw how feasible the implementation would be and had something minimal working.

I was pretty excited.

Thus, Ouroboros was created!Ouroboros is a Watchtower alternative which focuses on readability and of course is written in Python 3.

What’s Different?Really, not all that much.

Watchtower has a few more bells and whistles, but my hope is that the open source community likes the Python implementation enough to chip-in feature wise.

It still performs the necessities of recreating the containers with the same options they were instantiated with, won’t bring down containers unless the new image has a different hash, docker-compose compatibility, and Ouroboros can even update itself if you choose to do so!How Do You Use It?Ouroboros itself runs as a Docker image and interacts with the Docker API using the local socket.

By default, Ouroboros will wait 5 minutes in between polling the current image’s tag, but you can also provide a flag to go straight to latest if you live dangerously.

So now you only need to set up your containers and Ouroboros once, then just wait.

Your deploy stage would now just consist of pushing an updated tag to the registry and letting Ouroboros do the rest.

SecurityIt should be mentioned that Ouroboros should only be utilized as a rapid prototyping tool in test environments—exposing the Docker API in production is bad and is a security risk.

Plus, you wouldn’t really want auto updates in production now, would you?.Or maybe you do, your call.

So Much ConfigurationOuroboros does support many different configuration options, such as:Monitor and update containers on multiple remote servers running DockerMonitor the current image tag or go straight to latestIgnore specific containersSupport for private registriesCustomize the polling intervalMonitor select containers by nameChange logging level for debugging/suppressionRun ouroboros only one time to update, then terminate itselfRemove old Docker image when creating a new containerExports Prometheus, Influx metrics to go on your Grafana Dashboard!Can trigger multiple webhooks when containers are updated.

Supports discord, slack, pushover, and generic webhooksCan send emails when containers are updatedI can see how this wouldn’t work for everybody.

In some cases, myself included.

Regardless:I had a good time doing it.

It actually turned into a decent sized open-source project.

Learned better Python testing methodologies.

The repo’s source can serve as a good example on how to interact and automate with the Docker API.

I gave back to open-source for Hacktoberfest.

Source Code and detailed usage docsProject Update:After a rapid increase in popularity and demand, Ouroboros has moved under its own organization called pyouroboros!.The project was completely rewritten to be object-oriented with a ton of new features!Thanks to a new maintainer (DirtyCajunRice), this project is going places!Be sure to check out the wiki!Fin.. More details

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