Recommendation Systems

Because it filters (i.


, gives predictions) down to the items of interest using the large database of multiple users’ rating (collaborative).

There are two forms of Memory Based collaborative filtering (User Based and Item Based) and both of them rely on the history of ratings given by different users.

For both of these methods, we will use the data of user’s ratings for items shown in Table 1.

We have data of 5 users (rows of the table) who have reviewed a few items (columns of the table) each among the 9 items that we have in our database.

TABLE 1: Users’ ratings of items.

Empty cells denote no available rating for user-item combination.


User based collaborative filtering (user-item)The first algorithm we will learn is called User based collaborative filtering which is a two step process.

Step 1Find the users similar to the current user i.


the one with the highest similarity score, as shown in the image below.

(We will discuss how to generate similarity scores later, for now let’s assume that we know the similarity scores).

Based on the scores we find that current user D is closest to the user C in our existing database.

User Similarity Score.

Note the highest similarity of D with C in blue.

Step 2Recommend the items to the current user (D) that the other similar users (currently we will consider only the most similar user C) like.

In the image below we find that C liked Item 3, but D hasn’t purchased it yet, so we recommend it to D.

User C likes item 3, but User D has not purchased it yet; hence recommend it to User D.

Coming back to the question of finding similarity scores between users.

 Recall that in our earlier example of three friends, Gamma figured out that she is more similar to Alpha using the following similarity function:This worked for her because there were only two responses possible (like or dislike).

But what happens in a scenario (as shown in the Table 1) when users assign ratings to the items, say, between 1 to 5? In this case, we can define another similarity function that can handle this scenario.

For the purposes of this article we will use the inverse Euclidean distance as our similarity function (shown below).

Similarity Measure between User C and User DLet’s walk through a simple example to calculate the similarity score between user C and user D, in the Table 1.

Now we extend this calculation of similarity score to all users in our database to generate the table below.

Similarity Table for UsersThe similarity score – means that these 2 users have never reviewed anything common (refer to Table 1).

 Based on the Similarity Table for Users we know that the D is very similar to C.

So we should recommend other items rated high by C to D, followed by highly rated items from J, T and A.

 Also note that for A the most similar user is T, whereas for T the most similar user is J, hence even though similarity score is commutative, the most similar user is not a commutative function.


Item based collaborative filtering (item-item)In the previous algorithm (user based) we focused on finding similar users.

On the other hand Item based filtering approaches the problem from the perspective of similar items.

 When a user purchases an Item I, we recommend other items similar to the Item I to the user.

Item-Item Similarity Source:https://www.


com/piccolo-cartoonsAnalogous to user based collaborative filtering, now we will find similarity between items.

Since we considered user pairs for calculating similarities between the users in the database, in this case we will consider the item pairs to determine the similarities between the items.

 To find similarity between Item 1 and Item 2 , we need to find inverse of Euclidean distance between Column 1 and Column 2 of Table 1.

Sample calculation for similarity between Item 1 and Item 2Let’s extend this calculation of similarity score to all the items in our database to generate the table below.

Similarity Table for ItemsThe similarity score — means that these 2 items have never reviewed by any common user and the score inf means that the two items are very similar.

 Based on the Item Similarity Table if a user purchases the Item 1, we should recommend items from the Row 1 in the table above in the decreasing order of similarity score (items: 3,2,7,8,4,6)For the recommender Customers who bought this item also bought, Amazon uses its own version of Item to Item Collaborative Filtering under the hood.

Read this paper to find out more about the algorithm used by Amazon.

Advantages of Memory Based Collaborative FilteringThe biggest advantage of using Memory Based Collaborative Filtering is that, it can be easily applied cross domain.

One doesn’t need to know about the details of item and simply build a system based on the user-rating data.

It is a simple algorithm to implement that can give you good results.

Limitations of the Memory Based Collaborative FilteringScalability: You need to load the entire data in memory to generate item-item or user-user similarity matrix.

Every time a new user is added or a new item is added, you need to reload the entire ratings data to generate the similarity matrix.

Sparsity: There are millions or products sold online, and a few users out of the millions of users review the products.

Thus the user-item rating matrix is very large and sparse.

One solution is to decrease this sparsity is to fill the missing ratings of the purchased items by users with the average rating of the product.

Cold Start Problem: To understand this, let’s revisit the user ratings table (Table 1).

In this table we see that Item 5 has never been bought by any user in our database.

Now when a new User K purchases this item, we will not be able to generate any kind of recommendations for this user, since out database has no information about either the User or the Item purchased.

This is known as a cold start problem.

Evaluation of Recommender SystemI have been tasked to build a user based recommender system.

I decide to use the inverse of Euclidean distance (Recommender 1) for similarity measure, but my colleague has a different opinion that using Cosine Similarity (Recommender 2) will perform better.

To decide which of these two recommender systems will generate better recommendations, I can use any of the following methods.

If I have a small database of users, I can generate recommendations using both recommender systems and do a quality check of which generates better recommendations.

However, in case of large datasets with millions of users and items, this isn’t a scalable technique.

Offline Evaluation: As the name suggests this method generates metrics in an offline (isolated) mode, without the actual users being involved.

To evaluate the system using this technique, you split your user rating data into train and test dataset.

Now, you train your different versions of Recommender Systems on train dataset and compare the predictions with the ratings in the test dataset.

Online Evaluation with A/B testing.

This method uses the interaction with the actual users to evaluate the system.

I will divide the traffic to my website in 2 groups (equal to number of versions I want to test).

Now to evaluate which recommender system is performing better, I can measure and compare either of the following metrics from these 2 groups.

Number of recommended items clickedNumber of recommended items purchasedNumber of recommended items rated higherThis article will help you take a first step in understanding the complex Recommendations Systems that have increased sales over time for many e-commerce companies.

McKinsey’s report shows that 35% of Amazon’s purchases and 75% of items watched on Netflix are a result of their Recommendation Systems.

 If you would like to experiment with recommender systems or build one of your own, here is actual customer review data , that you can use, shared by Kaggle.


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