Optionals are not Optional

operator is optional chaining.

Say you have an optional type that has another optional type nested inside of it and you want to access an attribute of the nested optional type.

Our Magician type has an optional Prop type, let’s define the Prop type now with an optional attribute isAvailable that will mimic whether the prop is available or not.

Now we can use optional chaining to get to the isAvailable attribute from our magician.

Note that the return type of the function is an optional bool.

This is because if neither the magician or the prop has value, the function will return nil.

That doesn’t make much sense though.

The prop either is or is not available, there’s never really a time when it can be anything else.

Let’s use a new technique known as if let to unwrap our optionals and clean up the function.

When usingif let syntax, you’re basically saying “if I can let my object be what I’m unwrapping, do the code in the curly braces”.

It follows the same type of logic as any other if statement.

The one thing to keep in mind is that the object you unwrap is only available within the scope of the if statement, it doesn’t exist outside of the curly braces.

I read this as saying “if I can let prop be equal to the magician’s prop, return true, else return false”.

Not only does this function now return an actual value every time, it also means you can clean up the Prop type by eliminating the isAvailable attribute.

Using Guard StatementsPhoto by Andriy Boechko on UnsplashWhileif let is nice, I prefer the use of another unwrapping technique known as guard statements.

Guard statements have the advantage of being slightly easier to read syntactically as well as allowing your unwrapped object to be available within more of the scope.

Here is our isPropAvailable function using guard.

So far we’ve used the ?.operator exclusively in our code, now let’s take a look at its mischievous twin, the !.operator.

Using !.to unwrap an optional is known as force unwrapping.

It essentially means that you know your optional has a value.

In fact, you’re so sure that it holds a value that you’re willing to risk crashing your app if it does not.

That’s the consequence of using !: If it’s done poorly, your app stops running.

You may be asking yourself “if the consequence is so steep, why would I ever use it?”.

What if you’re writing a piece of code and you want to be absolutely positive that your app is in a certain state before continuing?.If it’s not in the correct state, it may be better off crashing than to continue running.

Here is our updated example with force unwrapping:This example is admittedly tongue-in-cheek.

If the building you were seeing the magician perform in were on fire, your last worry would be that the magician wasn’t there to do the trick.

Substituting for NilPhoto by Jilbert Ebrahimi on UnsplashThe final piece of optionality I’d like to cover is the nil-coalescing operator ??.

This operator allows you to substitute an object for nil.

Picture our magician falling ill and having an understudy replace him for the event.

It looks like this:This function will take your first choice of magician, but if that magician returns nil, it will create a new instance of the magician type and return that instead.

You will always have a magician for the show!Wrapping upPhoto by Ezra Comeau-Jeffrey on UnsplashSome consider optionals to be the toughest part of the language to understand.

They certainly confused me when I first started learning Swift.

I came from a Java background where optionals don’t exist.

Instead, you learned to check for null before using a value.

The alternative is to crash.

In my opinion, optionals are one of the biggest advantages Swift has over a language like Java.

Yes, there is a learning curve associated with them, but becoming well-versed in their uses will make a substantial difference in how you write apps.

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