Behind the Scoring in the Eurovision — Diversity Act or Perpetuation of Politics?

Be ready for another surprise.

In the situation in the Balkans (Albania, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia), things go extreme.

Five out of the septuple have ranked on average a Balkan country on the 1st place, and all the seven together have a Balkan country in 2nd place.

It’s worth mentioning that Serbia and North Macedonia keep their allegiance faithfully since their top five scored countries are inside the block.

Overall, All seven countries hold an average of 5.

39 points scoring one to another.

In addition, having Cyprus out of the Balkans list is correct, but the Mediterranean political alliance between Greece and Cyprus can’t be ignored; Both exchange 1st place with more than 10.

3 score points on average.

Another prominent regional bloc is Russia and its Eurasian extensions (Aremania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Georgia).

This axis’s voting pattern is placing its state members at least in two spots in the top three, while in three out of the four cases Russia is ranked 1st.

Computing the measure in this block reaches the highest pick in my analysis, towards 6.

39 score points on average per voting inside the group.

Imagine that this value would have been higher though were it not for the political rivalry between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh; This led for themselves score each other 0.

1 points on average.

*Notes:Hungary and Romania were excluded from the Balkans since, territorially, they don’t count as a Balkan state entirely, according to Wikipedia.

Some internet sources claim that Moldova is a Eurasia country, including the OECD itself.

Including Moldova in the list raises the same dilemma about Romania.

From my perspective, the political and cultural similarity along the shared border between the two are factors which led me to exclude them, as it was in the Balkans as mentioned previously.

A one that substitutes 40 countries in the parameter and looks over all the relations might notice that not all of them have average to all countries.

For instance, Iceland didn’t vote for Australia, but it did happen in the opposite way; This is due to the contest rules that some of the countries which didn’t advance to the finals can score countries at the finals.

Though, the numbers represent the average given all opportunities to rank the other.

Many of the countries with a 0-scores might have a single score of 1 or 2 points, but the average score was low, so it was Floor-ed; thus the ROUND action might deceive.

Israel and Cyprus at the Eurovision finals, May 2018.

Credits to EscdailyEnding RemarksBeyond these four cases, there are more hidden politics perpetuation stories.

For example, the story of the native English speaking countries (Australia, Ireland, United Kingdom) has a minor scoring pattern to point of, but it might change in the future when more scores will be cumulative; more bilateral relations, such Italy-Malta and Romania-Moldova; and the same goes for French native speaking countries, German and Latin countries (Spain, Portugal) which didn’t receive expression in this analysis, but we should hope it wouldn’t.

I sincerely hope, as mentioned in the preface, that the “right eyes” will see this post.

As Netta Barzilai, the Israeli singer who won in the May 2018 contest in Lisbon, expressed her gratitude by saying “thank you for accepting differences and celebrating diversity”, I state this is the righteous agenda that should be endorsed, but not only at the individual level but also collectively, between nations.

Thanks for the reading.

I’ll be grateful to read any remarks — Available on my Linkedin profile, or via alonrechavia@gmail.


— — — — —For those who are interested in initiating a project for their portfolio or just cruised about my working methods, here are the engagement steps -Data Cleansing — Finals, Jury, non-participating countries (Serbia and Montenegro were changed to Serbia; F.


R Macedonia was transformed into North-Macedonia).

Creating a spaced Concatenate column, composed of From Country and To Country.

Copying to a new sheet with Remove Duplicates action (Data tab).

AverageIF formula encompassed by ROUND (to 1 decimal point) to find the average score, column aliased asAvg Score.

Text to Columns (Data tab) to separate the Concatenate column, separating on the space (creating a 4-column table in total).

Importing to Tableau — Dragging the From Country and To Country into a text table; Dragging the Avg Score to the text mark, alignmented to the middle-right; Dragging To Country to the shapes mark and changed to the flags icons which were downloaded before and inserted into My Tableau Repository folder; Grouping From Country into geographical blocks, and dragging the pill to the color mark.

Creating an integer parameter for Top N Countries to display, connected to the To Country filter.

Map creating — Based on the From Country in the detail mark, with a tooltip filter on the text table sheet (Changed the filter from all fields to From Country to avoid the geographical blocks filtering); changed the filter pill in the text table sheet as a Context Filter.

Duplicating the map sheet three times, renamed to the countries (Iceland, Australia, Malta).

Double check at the tooltips in these sheets that there’re filtered to From Country instead of all fields.

Dashboard formatting.

.. More details

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