Diving deeper into context-oriented programming in Kotlin

Yes, of course, there are several ways to do it.

Let me show you how to do it in a context-oriented way (some safety checks are omitted):class ArrayAccessor(val rows: Int, val columns: Int){ operator fun <T> Array<T>.

get(i: Int, j: Int): T = get(i + columns* j) operator fun <T> Array<T>.

set(i: Int, j: Int, value: T) { set(i + columns* j, value) } inline fun <reified T> create(init: (i: Int, j: Int) -> T): Array<T> = Array<T>(rows * columns) { offset -> init(offset / columns, offset % columns) }}fun double2D<R>( rows: Int, columns: Int, block: ArrayAccessor.

() -> R){ return ArrayAccessor(rows,columns).

run(block)}fun doSomethingWithArray(rows: Int, column: Int){ val res = double2D(5,5){ val arr = create{ i, j -> i + j} arr[2,3] = 0.

0 arr[1,1] } println(res)}Let’s see what happens here.

We create a ArrayAccessor class that has only two fields: the number of columns and the number of rows, it does not actually store any data.

What is important about this class is that when we use regular Array in the context of this class, it becomes interpreted as a two-dimensional array without any data copy and with zero access syntax (get and set operations could be inlined if VM does not guarantee automatic method inlining).

Now, all we need is to create a lexical scope from this class and use regular arrays for 2D operations (array2D function).

If for some reason we want to transport our 2D array somewhere, all we need is to move the data alongside with ArrayAccessor by creating a Pair object or specialized class.

What is important that in any case, you do not need to create a copy of the array or to have a special class for data representation.

Now, a bonus.

We actually can do the same with an array of any type without boxing and without additional typed accessors.

Look here:fun ArrayAccessor.

get(arr: IntArray, i: Int, j: Int): Int = arr.

get(i + columns* j)We have the same non-boxing behavior for Int without creating a new class.

Sadly, we can’t use operator overloading in this case since it would require multiple receivers, but it could be fixed with KEEP-176.

In fact, we can reduce our ArrayAccessor to a simple two-field data class and implement all operations as extensions, allowing unrivaled compile-time polymorphism options.

This method is currently being introduced in kmath library to allow boxing avoidance in generic matrix operations.

A scope with mutable state (additional property)The final example for today is inspired by a piece of code, donated by Roman Elizarov.

The code itself is an algorithm doing automatic first-order differentiation (it is available here).

The basic idea is that in order to perform automatic differentiation for expression, one needs to not only compose numeric operations but also remember the composition of expressions that were used to get the result.

It could be done by storing those transformations in the result itself, but in this case, Roman uses the context to accumulate changes.

Of course, such techniques must be used with care.

For example, a context with a mutable state must be created and disposed of in a controllable way and never reused.

But I wanted to point out a different feature (not presented in Roman’s initial variant).

In order for the algorithm to work properly, the variable must have a mutable property d that could be accessed only inside the derivation procedure and not outside it.

It is quite easy to add a read-only property via extensions, but what about writeable properties?.In theory, we can’t do it because we can’t introduce new fields to a class, but who says that those fields must be in the class?.Look here (this is simplified code, for full code see original):private class AutoDiffContext { internal val derivatives = HashMap<Variable, Double>() override var Variable.

d: Double get() = derivatives[this] ?: 0.

0 set(value) { derivatives[this] = value }}Here the context stores all field values for all objects and effectively adds variable while context exists.

Of course, such an approach has numerous limitations.

For example, hash map lookup has an impact on performance.

Also, such a simple construct does not treat well inner value scopes and GC on Variable inside the scope (one needs to use a weak hash map for that).

And still, it is a very powerful technique when used with care.

What else?I planned to add two more examples to this article:How to add static typing to a dynamic typed structure via the decorator context in Kotlin.

How to use nested contexts to organized complicated data flows.

But, both cases deserve a detailed explanation and it is better to write another article for each of them.

The context-oriented approach in Kotlin allows solving many problems in a concise and easily maintainable way.

Of course, it does not (in most cases) allow us to solve problems, which could not be solved by more traditional object-oriented or function-oriented approaches, but in some cases, it allows us to do things faster and in a more concise way.

One also needs to remember that as most design principles, require a change in a way you write and interpret the code, so you need to spend some time adjusting to style to get the most of it.


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