Human Development & National Eco-Footprints: A Visual Orientation

Human Development & National Eco-Footprints: A Visual OrientationUsing Plot.

ly and BubblyAlexander ShropshireBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMay 1Some open-source data visualization tools that programmers and data scientists can incorporate into their work are truly fascinating.

If you don’t quite share my enthusiasm, check out some of the interactive, sometimes entertaining, sometimes culturally-relevant projects of The Pudding’s “journalist-engineers”.

In my opinion, they’re leading the way for the art of data visualization.

That said, data scientists absent of the ability to blow minds with their visualizations alone and with time-sensitive questions all their own have accessible resources to quickly stand up data communications that are both informative and digestible.

Visualizations aside (for now), here are some questions I’ve been throwing around recently: do we share a standard global definition of human progress?.How should education and health be weighed against economic wealth in assessing a nation’s development?.Does a nation’s effort to nurture its people necessitate a greater ecological footprint and greater spending of finite natural resources?.Which countries are leading the way forward, and which are not?.I’ll be exploring these ideas below while diving into some useful Python libraries for scraping the web and visualizing related information.

In Support of the Human Development Index and Metrics Like ItGross Domestic Product (.. More details

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