Create a template for your Jupyter Notebooks

Create a template for your Jupyter NotebooksJohn HurleyBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingApr 17Quick starts for your data science investigationsPhoto by Agto Nugroho on UnsplashIn a nicely written article, Set Your Jupyter Notebook up Right with this Extension [1], William Koerhsen describes how to use Jupyter notebook extensions to improve productivity by creating a notebook template.

This template serves as the starting point for each of your data science journeys.

We have all found ourselves typing the same boilerplate code at the start of a new investigation.

The essence of [1] is that you can put a Javascript file into a particular folder used by Jupyter’s nbextensions system, and it will be called by Jupyter each time a new notebook is created.

In his article, he creates a new notebook with some basic, common Python boilerplate, and also enables a hook that forces you to rename the notebook from the default “Untitled.


He has a companion article, Jupyter Notebook Extensions [2] that shows how to install Jupyter notebook extensions.

There is another interesting article at DrivenData.

org, Cookiecutter Data Science [3] that details a helpful organization for Data Science projects.

In my particular case, the notebook template that I use expands on both [1] and [3].

It adds in some code that I know I should include but am often too lazy to add in to a one-off notebook (I’m talking about you, unittest!) Too many times I have started a project that I thought I would only use once, but ended up using multiple times, or expanded the project beyond what I initially envisioned.

To avoid an unruly mess, it helps me to have some common structure that I can fill in as needed.

Although all the hard work of figuring out notebook extensions and reverse engineering Jupyter startup code has been done by W Koehrsen, manually editing the Javascript file to add each cell in the template is somewhat tedious.

For any template notebook more than a few lines, there is a good chance of introducing a syntax error into the javascript file.

This article (and the code in the corresponding github repository) simplifies this process by (semi-)automatically generating the main.

js file from a template Jupyter notebook.

It is only semi-automatic as you must manually save your template as a .

py file before running the code in notebook-template-generator.

ipynb with Jupyter.

PrerequisitesIf you don’t yet have Jupyter Extensions, check out this article: [2] or just run the following code in a command prompt: pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions && jupyter contrib nbextensions install –userand then start a new notebook server and navigate to the extensions tab).

Having worked in the security space for a long time, I don't run as an administrator on my machine, so adding '–user' is necessary, at least in my case.

You will need to grab a copy of the “setup” folder from the GitHub repository referenced in [1], which is here.

You can find the path where the setup directory needs to go by running the notebook-template-generator notebook; if the path does not exist it will show the path where it expects it.

On my Mac using virtualenv, it ends up here: ~/development/Python/Virtualenvs/py37/lib/python3.

7/site-packages/jupyter_contrib_nbextensions/nbextensions/setupThis is in my home directory because I used the "–user" option when I installed jupyter nbextensions.

The GitHub repository for this article with notebook-template.

ipynb and notebook-setup-generator.

ipynb is here.

RunningOpen both notebook-template.

ipynb and notebook-setup-generator.

ipynb with Jupyter.

Edit notebook-template.

ipynb to contain whatever you would like in a basic Jupyter notebook.

Under the File menu, choose “Download as…” and pick “Python (.


On macOS, this will be saved as notebook-template.


html in the ~/Downloads directory (change get_notebook_template_path() if you want to put it somewhere else).

Next, go to notebook-setup-generator.

ipynb and select Run All from the Cell menu.

If all goes well, it will ask you if you would like to overwrite the existing setup/main.

js file.

The next time you create a new Jupyter notebook, it will be populated with a fresh copy of the cells from your version of notebook-template.


Additional NotesI have tested this on macOS 10.


3 with Python 3.


2 in a virtual environment.

The parser in generate_setup_javascript() is very basic, so it’s possible that complicated notebook-template.

ipynb files will not be parsed correctly.

In Koehrsen’s original Javascript function promptName, it checks to see if the new notebook is called “Untitled”; if so, it prompts you to rename it.

I have that commented out in the js_postamble string in notebook-setup-generator.

ipynb as it is painful when debugging your template, but feel free to re-enable it when you are happy with your template.

References[1] W.

Koehrsen, Set Your Jupyter Notebook up Right with this Extension, (2019), https://towardsdatascience.

com/set-your-jupyter-notebook-up-right-with-this-extension-24921838a332[2] W.

Koehrsen, Jupyter Notebook Extensions, (2018), https://towardsdatascience.

com/jupyter-notebook-extensions-517fa69d2231[3] DrivenData.

org, Cookiecutter Data Science, http://drivendata.


io/cookiecutter-data-science/[4] W.

Koehrsen, How to Automatically Import Your Favorite Libraries into IPython or a Jupyter Notebook , https://towardsdatascience.

com/how-to-automatically-import-your-favorite-libraries-into-ipython-or-a-jupyter-notebook-9c69d89aa343[5] Chris Moffitt, Building a Repeatable Data Analysis Process with Jupyter Notebooks (2018), https://pbpython.



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