Schaun Wheeler

A couple tricks for using spaCy at scaleThe Python package spaCy is a great tool for natural language…DS ProductionizationData science productionization: trustIt’s entirely reasonable for…DS ProductionizationData science productionization: scaleYou can wait until you are…DS ProductionizationData science productionization: maintenanceTime spent on…DS ProductionizationData science productionization: portabilityPortability decreases…DS ProductionizationWhat does it mean to “productionize” data science?Data science job-seeking advice to my younger selfI’ve changed jobs several times in my career.

 This…Ethical codes vs.

ethical codeThis is why ethical standards don’t work, and what we can do instead.

Data science career advice to my younger selfI don’t know if any of these ideas would have benefited a younger me.

I think they would have.

Paid time off and the nature of scienceFlexible work arrangements aren’t just a nice HR practice.

They expose our brains to messy real-world patterns, which helps us find patterns in the more artificial….. More details

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