Detecting Ships in Satellite Imagery

Detecting Ships in Satellite ImageryDaniel MoraiteBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingApr 11Classifying ships in San Franciso Bay using Planet satellite imagerySatellite imagery is one of the most abundant data sources that a data scientist can play with.

This is part for which I have chosen to look into it in the first place, since it reduce my work of collecting data or even collateral research for personal projects.

There is a downside to it as well: my personal computer storage size and computational power(.

a MacBook Air).

I will soon look into AWS Amazon Web Services to compensate for it.

Meanwhile I have discovered a data set that is quite small and I can run it on my machine: uses one of my favorite providers, Planet satellite imagery.

About the data:includes 4000 80×80 RGB images labeled with either a “ship” or “no-ship” classification, valued 1 or 0.

image chips are orthorectified to a 3 meter pixel sizedataset as .

png image chips, image filename follows a specific format: {label} __ {scene id} __ {longitude} _ {latitude}.

pnglongitude_latitude: longitude and latitude coordinates of the image center pointdataset is also distributed as a JSON formatted text file, contains: data, label, scene_ids, and location listspixel value data for individual images is stored as a list of 19200 integers: first 6400 contain the red channel, next 6400 the green, and last 6400 the blue.

list values at index i in labels, scene_ids, and locations each correspond to the i-th image in the data listclass labels: “ship” class includes 1000 images, near-centered on the body of a single ship.

“no-ship” class includes 3000 images, 1/3 are a random sampling of different landcover features.

 — that do not include any portion of an ship.

next 1/3 are “partial ships”, and 1/3 are images that have previously been mislabeled by machine learning models(because of strong linear features).

What we want to achieve: Detect the location of ships in satellite images, which can be applied to solving problems as: monitoring port activity and supply chain analysis.

First PartReading and Preparing DataWe make sure we import all the libraries and modules that we need, apart from regular Keras: Sequential, Dense, Flatten, Activation and Dropout will also use Conv2D and MaxPooling2D (see full notebook end of article).

Now let`s download and study the data set:f = open(r'.


json') dataset = json.

load(f) f.

close() input_data = np.


astype('uint8') output_data = np.


astype('uint8') input_data.

shape (4000, 19200) # and since I was currios to see how the tupple of arrays of arrays look like: input_data array([[ 82, 89, 91, .

, 86, 88, 89], [ 76, 75, 67, .

, 54, 57, 58], [125, 127, 129, .

, 111, 109, 115], .

, [171, 135, 118, .

, 95, 95, 85], [ 85, 90, 94, .

, 96, 95, 89], [122, 122, 126, .

, 51, 46, 69]], dtype=uint8) # now we realize that this is not a photo format that we can visualize, in order to be able to read an image we need to reshape the array/input_data: n_spectrum = 3 # the number of color chanels: RGB weight = 80 height = 80 X = input_data.

reshape([-1, n_spectrum, weight, height]) X[0].

shape # let`s pick one channel pic = X[3] red_spectrum = pic[0] green_spectrum = pic[1] blue_spectrum = pic[2]and the fun part: plotting the photo on all 3 channels:plt.

figure(2, figsize = (5*3, 5*1))plt.

set_cmap('jet')#show each channelplt.

subplot(1, 3, 1)plt.


subplot(1, 3, 2)plt.


subplot(1, 3, 3)plt.


show()Just don`t get discouraged if some of the photos as X[0] might have all the 3 bands RGB the same, just try another one X[3].

A vector of 4000 elements is our output:output_data array([1, 1, 1, .

, 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8) np.

bincount(output_data) array([3000, 1000])Vector contains of 3000 zeros and 1000 units = 1000 images are tagged with “ship” and 3000 images with “not ship”.

Preparing the data for kerasFirst categorically encoding the labels:# output encoding y = np_utils.

to_categorical(output_data, 2)Second shuffle all indexes:indexes = np.

arange(4000) np.


shuffle(indexes)Pick X_train, y_train:X_train = X[indexes].

transpose([0,2,3,1]) y_train = y[indexes]And of course normalization:X_train = X_train / 255 # images are type uint8 with values in the [0, 255] interval and we would like to contain values between 0 and 1Second PartTraining the model/ neural networknp.


seed(42) # network design model = Sequential() model.

add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='same', input_shape=(80, 80, 3), activation='relu')) model.

add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) #40×40 model.


25)) model.

add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='same', activation='relu')) model.

add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) #20×20 model.


25)) model.

add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='same', activation='relu')) model.

add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) #10×10 model.


25)) model.

add(Conv2D(32, (10, 10), padding='same', activation='relu')) model.

add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) #5×5 model.


25)) model.

add(Flatten()) model.

add(Dense(512, activation='relu')) model.


5)) model.

add(Dense(2, activation='softmax'))for details on: relu, softmax and dropout, please see my previous Github blog article on Tensorflow Keras# optimization setup sgd = SGD(lr=0.

01, momentum=0.

9, nesterov=True) model.

compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy']) # training model.

fit( X_train, y_train, batch_size=32, # 32 photos at once epochs=18, validation_split=0.

2, shuffle=True, verbose=2)Get and grab a nice cup of tea or matcha cause this might take a few minutes (or at least it took a few on my machine as you can see bellow):Train on 3200 samples, validate on 800 samples Epoch 1/18 – 67s – loss: 0.

4076 – acc: 0.

8219 – val_loss: 0.

2387 – val_acc: 0.

9025 Epoch 2/18 – 89s – loss: 0.

2227 – acc: 0.

9034 – val_loss: 0.

1767 – val_acc: 0.

9150 Epoch 3/18 – 74s – loss: 0.

1809 – acc: 0.

9278 – val_loss: 0.

1481 – val_acc: 0.

9425 Epoch 4/18 – 72s – loss: 0.

1444 – acc: 0.

9428 – val_loss: 0.

1201 – val_acc: 0.

9600 Epoch 5/18 – 48s – loss: 0.

1334 – acc: 0.

9522 – val_loss: 0.

1126 – val_acc: 0.

9513 Epoch 6/18 – 42s – loss: 0.

1221 – acc: 0.

9591 – val_loss: 0.

0879 – val_acc: 0.

9637 Epoch 7/18 – 40s – loss: 0.

1068 – acc: 0.

9625 – val_loss: 0.

0846 – val_acc: 0.

9738 Epoch 8/18 – 45s – loss: 0.

0820 – acc: 0.

9716 – val_loss: 0.

0808 – val_acc: 0.

9675 Epoch 9/18 – 41s – loss: 0.

0851 – acc: 0.

9728 – val_loss: 0.

0626 – val_acc: 0.

9838 Epoch 10/18 – 40s – loss: 0.

0799 – acc: 0.

9709 – val_loss: 0.

0662 – val_acc: 0.

9762 Epoch 11/18 – 42s – loss: 0.

0672 – acc: 0.

9800 – val_loss: 0.

0599 – val_acc: 0.

9812 Epoch 12/18 – 41s – loss: 0.

0500 – acc: 0.

9813 – val_loss: 0.

0729 – val_acc: 0.

9738 Epoch 13/18 – 42s – loss: 0.

0570 – acc: 0.

9784 – val_loss: 0.

0625 – val_acc: 0.

9788 Epoch 14/18 – 43s – loss: 0.

0482 – acc: 0.

9828 – val_loss: 0.

0526 – val_acc: 0.

9775 Epoch 15/18 – 42s – loss: 0.

0510 – acc: 0.

9822 – val_loss: 0.

0847 – val_acc: 0.

9762 Epoch 16/18 – 44s – loss: 0.

0440 – acc: 0.

9841 – val_loss: 0.

0615 – val_acc: 0.

9800 Epoch 17/18 – 41s – loss: 0.

0411 – acc: 0.

9862 – val_loss: 0.

0559 – val_acc: 0.

9775 Epoch 18/18 – 42s – loss: 0.

0515 – acc: 0.

9834 – val_loss: 0.

0597 – val_acc: 0.

9775 Out[31]: <keras.


History at 0xb47f7bfd0>for details on: categorical_crossentropy, ‘accuracy’, as well the Loss Function please see my previous Github blog article on NN.

Third PartApply the model and Search on the image# download image image = Image.



png') pix = image.


imshow(image)’ if you want to have a quick look, though in order to be able to properly make use of it, we need to create a vector:n_spectrum = 3 width = image.

size[0] height = image.

size[1] # creat vector picture_vector = [] for chanel in range(n_spectrum): for y in range(height): for x in range(width): picture_vector.

append(pix[x, y][chanel]) picture_vector = np.


astype('uint8') picture_tensor = picture_vector.

reshape([n_spectrum, height, width]).

transpose(1, 2, 0) plt.

figure(1, figsize = (15, 30)) plt.

subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.

imshow(picture_tensor) plt.

show()Now let’s search for ships on the imagepicture_tensor = picture_tensor.

transpose(2,0,1) # Search on the image def cutting(x, y): area_study = np.


reshape(3, 80, 80) for i in range(80): for j in range(80): area_study[0][i][j] = picture_tensor[0][y+i][x+j] area_study[1][i][j] = picture_tensor[1][y+i][x+j] area_study[2][i][j] = picture_tensor[2][y+i][x+j] area_study = area_study.

reshape([-1, 3, 80, 80]) area_study = area_study.

transpose([0,2,3,1]) area_study = area_study / 255 sys.


X:{0} Y:{1} '.

format(x, y)) return area_study def not_near(x, y, s, coordinates): result = True for e in coordinates: if x+s > e[0][0] and x-s < e[0][0] and y+s > e[0][1] and y-s < e[0][1]: result = False return result def show_ship(x, y, acc, thickness=5): for i in range(80): for ch in range(3): for th in range(thickness): picture_tensor[ch][y+i][x-th] = -1 for i in range(80): for ch in range(3): for th in range(thickness): picture_tensor[ch][y+i][x+th+80] = -1 for i in range(80): for ch in range(3): for th in range(thickness): picture_tensor[ch][y-th][x+i] = -1 for i in range(80): for ch in range(3): for th in range(thickness): picture_tensor[ch][y+th+80][x+i] = -1Of course you can pick more steps instead of 10 or maybe less: just make sure you have patience cause this might take as well a while.

step = 10; coordinates = [] for y in range(int((height-(80-step))/step)): for x in range(int((width-(80-step))/step) ): area = cutting(x*step, y*step) result = model.

predict(area) if result[0][1] > 0.

90 and not_near(x*step,y*step, 88, coordinates): coordinates.

append([[x*step, y*step], result]) print(result) plt.

imshow(area[0]) plt.

show()As you can see: It did classify as ship images that have straight lines and bright pixelswhich I guess is the next step in finding a way to polish the model — though that’s for another time.

Or if you give it a second run:Now let’s make sense of tags and find them on the image:for e in coordinates: show_ship(e[0][0], e[0][1], e[1][0][1])picture_tensor = picture_tensor.


shape(1777, 2825, 3)plt.

figure(1, figsize = (15, 30))plt.



show()Of course you can re-train the model and give it another run or with the current model give a second search and see what you might get.

Good Luck and maybe next time will spot some cars .

if we find some nice labeled data.

Sources:Planet data you can check how to extract images from my previous Medium articlemy Tensorflow article on KerasKaggle competition data downloadfind the full Jupyter notebook on GitHub.. More details

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