How to use Jupyter on a Google Cloud VM

How to use Jupyter on a Google Cloud VMRecipes for Notebooks on Google Cloud PlatformLak LakshmananBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingApr 10The simplest way to launch a notebook on GCP is to go through the workflow from the GCP console.

Go to ML Engine (AI Platform) and click on Notebook Instances.

You can create a new instance from the user interface:Create a new notebook instance from the UIOnce the instance is launched, you can click on a link to open JupyterLab:Click on the blue link to open Jupyter Lab.

Once you are done working for the day, Stop the VM.

Then, restart.

I tend to have different notebook instances for different projects.

When the instance is launched, it has a persistent disk.

That disk will hold your notebooks.

You can stop and restart the VM (from the GCP web console) without losing those notebooks.

Note that you can attach a GPU to a notebook instance from the user dinterface:Attaching a GPU to a notebook instanceEnjoy!This article is a collection of a few of my “recipes” for working with Notebook instances.


How to script out the creation of a Notebook instanceThe instance is a Compute Engine image, so if you want to script things out, customize the machine, change its firewall rule, etc.

you can use Compute Engine capabilities.

The notebook instance is a Deep Learning VM, which is a family of images that provides a convenient way to launch a virtual machine with/without a GPU on Google Cloud.

It has Jupyter Lab already installed on it and you can access it without the need for proxies or ssh.


Launch Deep Learning VM using gcloudThe simplest approach is to specify an image family (see the docs for what the image families are available).

For example, you can get the latest image in the tensorflow-gpu family with a P100 GPU attached using:IMAGE=–image-family=tf-latest-gpuINSTANCE_NAME=dlvmGCP_LOGIN_NAME=google-cloud-customer@gmail.

com # CHANGE THISgcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a # CHANGE THISgcloud compute instances create ${INSTANCE_NAME} –machine-type=n1-standard-8 –scopes=https://www.





email –min-cpu-platform="Intel Skylake" ${IMAGE} –image-project=deeplearning-platform-release –boot-disk-size=100GB –boot-disk-type=pd-ssd –accelerator=type=nvidia-tesla-p100,count=1 –boot-disk-device-name=${INSTANCE_NAME} –maintenance-policy=TERMINATE –restart-on-failure –metadata="proxy-user-mail=${GCP_LOGIN_NAME},install-nvidia-driver=True"A2.

Get the URL for Jupyter LabThe URL to access Jupyter Lab is part of the metadata of the VM that you just launched.

You can get it using:gcloud compute instances describe ${INSTANCE_NAME} | grep dot-datalab-vmHere’s a script that will do steps #1 and #2, waiting until the Jupyter notebook server has started:#!/bin/bashIMAGE=–image-family=tf-latest-cpuINSTANCE_NAME=dlvmGCP_LOGIN_NAME=google-cloud-customer@gmail.

com # CHANGE THISgcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a # CHANGE THISecho "Launching $INSTANCE_NAME"gcloud compute instances create ${INSTANCE_NAME} –machine-type=n1-standard-2 –scopes=https://www.





email ${IMAGE} –image-project=deeplearning-platform-release –boot-disk-device-name=${INSTANCE_NAME} –metadata="proxy-user-mail=${GCP_LOGIN_NAME}"echo "Looking for Jupyter URL on $INSTANCE_NAME"while true; do proxy=$(gcloud compute instances describe ${INSTANCE_NAME} 2> /dev/null | grep dot-datalab-vm) if [ -z "$proxy" ] then echo -n ".

" sleep 1 else echo "done!" echo "$proxy" break fidoneA3.

Visit URL in web browserSimply navigate to that URL and you’ll be in JupyterLab.


How to work with Git on a Notebook instanceB1.

Git clone a repository interactivelyClick on the last icon in the ribbon of icons in the left-hand pane and you will be able to git clone a repository.

Use the one for my book:https://github.

com/GoogleCloudPlatform/data-science-on-gcpRunning a Jupyter notebook on a cloud VM without any ssh tunnels or proxiesNavigate to updates/cloudml and open flights_model.


You should be able to run through the notebook.

You can also open up a Terminal and use git clone, git checkout, git push, etc.

I tend to find it easier than using the built-in Git UI.

But your mileage may vary!C.

How to specify a startup scriptYou can specify a set of operations to run after Jupyter launches.

These will be run as root.


com # CHANGE THISSTARTUP_SCRIPT="git clone https://github.

com/GoogleCloudPlatform/data-science-on-gcp"gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a # CHANGE THISgcloud compute instances create ${INSTANCE_NAME} –machine-type=n1-standard-8 –scopes=https://www.





email –min-cpu-platform="Intel Skylake" ${IMAGE} –image-project=deeplearning-platform-release –boot-disk-size=100GB –boot-disk-type=pd-ssd –accelerator=type=nvidia-tesla-p100,count=1 –boot-disk-device-name=${INSTANCE_NAME} –maintenance-policy=TERMINATE –restart-on-failure –metadata="proxy-user-mail=${GCP_LOGIN_NAME},install-nvidia-driver=True,startup-script=${STARTUP_SCRIPT}"D.

How to schedule NotebooksD1.

When moving to production, use image, not image familyIn general, use the image-family approach for development (so that you are always developing with the latest of everything), but pin down to a specific image once you move things to production.

The reason you want to pin down to a specific image in production is that you want to run on a version that you have actually tested your code with.

Get the list of images and find the one you were using (the latest in the image family you specified above):gcloud compute images list –project deeplearning-platform-release –no-standard-imagesThen, specify it when creating the Deep Learning VM (lines you might want to change are bolded):IMAGE=–image=tf-latest-cpu-20190125b2 # CHANGEINSTANCE_NAME=dlvmGCP_LOGIN_NAME=google-cloud-customer@gmail.

com # CHANGE THISZONE="us-central1-b" # CHANGEgcloud compute instances create ${INSTANCE_NAME} –machine-type=n1-standard-8 –zone=$ZONE –scopes=https://www.





email –min-cpu-platform="Intel Skylake" ${IMAGE} –image-project=deeplearning-platform-release –boot-disk-size=100GB –boot-disk-type=pd-ssd –boot-disk-device-name=${INSTANCE_NAME} –metadata="proxy-user-mail=${GCP_LOGIN_NAME}"D2.

Submit a notebook for scheduled execution using papermillThe key aspect here is to launch papermill with a startup script and exit the notebook VM using TERMINATE without a restart-on-failure once papermill is done.

Then, delete the VM.

See this blog post for more details.

# Compute Engine Instance parametersIMAGE=–image=tf-latest-gpu-20190125b2 # CHANGEINSTANCE_NAME=dlvmZONE="us-central1-b" # CHANGEINSTANCE_TYPE="n1-standard-8" #CHANGE# Notebook parametersINPUT_NOTEBOOK_PATH="gs://my-bucket/input.



yaml" # OptionalPARAMETERS="-p batch_size 128 -p epochs 40" # Optionalexport STARTUP_SCRIPT="papermill ${INPUT_NOTEBOOK_PATH} ${OUTPUT_NOTEBOOK_PATH} -y ${PARAMETERS_FILE} ${PARAMETERS}"gcloud compute instances create $INSTANCE_NAME –zone=$ZONE –image=$IMAGE –image-project=deeplearning-platform-release –maintenance-policy=TERMINATE –accelerator='type=nvidia-tesla-t4,count=2' –machine-type=$INSTANCE_TYPE –boot-disk-size=100GB –scopes=https://www.


com/auth/cloud-platform –metadata="install-nvidia-driver=True,startup-script=${STARTUP_SCRIPT}"gcloud –quiet compute instances delete $INSTANCE_NAME –zone $ZONEE.

How to use a TPU from JupyterTo create a Deep Learning VM attached to a TPU, first create a Deep Learning VM and then create a TPU with the same TensorFlow version:INSTANCE_NAME=laktpu # CHANGE THISGCP_LOGIN_NAME=google-cloud-customer@gmail.

com # CHANGE THISgcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a # CHANGE THISTPU_NAME=$INSTANCE_NAMEgcloud compute instances create $INSTANCE_NAME –machine-type n1-standard-8 –image-project deeplearning-platform-release –image-family tf-1-12-cpu –scopes cloud-platform –metadata proxy-user-mail="${GCP_LOGIN_NAME}",startup-script="echo export TPU_NAME=$TPU_NAME > /etc/profile.


sh"gcloud compute tpus create $TPU_NAME –network default –range 10.



0 –version 1.

12The only difference when creating the Deep Learning VM is that you are specifying the TPU_NAME in the startup script.


How to use end-user credentials in NotebooksIf you create a Deep Learning VM and you specified a GCP login name (all my examples above, except for the production one did so), then only you (and project admins) will be able to ssh into the VM.

All Jupyter notebooks will run under a service account.

For the most part, this will be fine, but if you need to run operations that the service account doesn’t have permission to do, you can have code in Jupyter run as you by doing the following:In the Launcher menu, open a TerminalIn the Terminal, type:gcloud auth application-default loginFollow the prompts to carry out OAuth2Restart the Jupyter kernel if necessaryG.

How to create a TF-nightly VMCreating an image in the tf-latest family uses the latest stable TensorFlow version.

To work with TF-nightly (e.


this is how to get TensorFlow 2.

0-alpha), use:INSTANCE_NAME=tfnightly # CHANGE THISGCP_LOGIN_NAME=google-cloud-customer@gmail.

com # CHANGE THISZONE="us-west1-b" # CHANGE THISINSTANCE_TYPE="n1-standard-4" # CHANGE THISgcloud compute instances create ${INSTANCE_NAME} –machine-type=$INSTANCE_TYPE –zone=$ZONE –scopes=https://www.





email –min-cpu-platform="Intel Skylake" –image-family="tf-latest-gpu-experimental" –image-project=deeplearning-platform-release –boot-disk-size=100GB –boot-disk-type=pd-ssd –accelerator=type=nvidia-tesla-p100,count=1 –boot-disk-device-name=${INSTANCE_NAME} –maintenance-policy=TERMINATE –restart-on-failure –metadata="proxy-user-mail=${GCP_LOGIN_NAME},install-nvidia-driver=True"H.

Troubleshooting JupyterRestarting Jupyter: Usually, all you need to do is to restart the kernel by clicking on the icon in the notebook menu.

But once in a long while, you might completely hose the environment and want to restart Jupyter.

To do that, go to the Compute Instances section of the GCP Console and click on the SSH button corresponding to your Notebooks instance.

In the SSH window, type:sudo service jupyter restartStartup logs: If Jupyter failed to start, or you don’t get a notebook link, you might want to look at the complete logs (including startup logs).

Do that using:gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output –zone $ZONE $INSTANCE_NAME__________________________________________________I’m interested in expanding on these recipes.

Contact me if you have a suggestion on a question/answer that I should add.

For your convenience, here’s a gist with all the code.


. More details

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