How to survive and succeed at a coding bootcamp…

(More on this in a moment…)After you’ve run through some basic processes, it’s time to get help, and this is how you should structure your question:“I’m trying to do A, but I’m getting B.

I’ve tried X, Y and Z, but they didn’t work.

Can you please help me?”Questions are your best friend, and knowing how and when to deploy them will fast track your learning.

Rubber Ducking/Pseudo CodeThese two techniques are super useful and used by beginners and experienced developers alike.

Rubber DuckingRubber Ducking is best done on another person, but seeing as other people aren’t always available, you can do this on an inanimate object such as a rubber duck.

The idea is to explain your code in detail, out loud, line by line.

If there is a flaw in the logic, you’ll be forced to say it and most often will catch yourself before you’ve even finished the sentence.

Even though it might feel a bit silly, it’s far more effective than sitting and stewing on a problem silently.

Our brains can be a bit jumpy and aren’t the greatest at untangling complex logic, so forcing it to slow down and analyze every piece can reveal the bug.

Pseudo CodePseudo code is the process of writing out a piece of code in plain english, step by step, as if you were writing real code.

This method removes any concerns about syntax and focuses on the raw logic.

Once you’ve stated in words each step of your solution, you can translate it into the coding language of your choice.

What next…Once you’ve made it through bootcamp, your coding journey truly begins.

Here are a few ideas on what you can do next:Make sure you’ve updated your LinkedIn profile to reflect your newfound skills and aspirations.

(Here’s a great resource to make sure you’re on the right track.

)Build a portfolio to showcase your work.

It’s the most effective way to show your practical ability and is a must have for professional developers.

Make sure you add this to your LinkedIn profile.

If there is a particular area you still feel weak in, or there is a specific tech stack you really want to work with, this is a great time to start a side project.

Talk to your class mates, there will probably be someone with similar goals you can collaborate with.

Listen to coding podcasts like Syntax.

fm, and read medium articles to keep up to date with current technologies, and start preparing for coding technical interviews.

Start talking to people, online and in person.

Research companies and send them a message.

Coding meetups are also great place to meet people of all different skills and experience which is all invaluable insight.

Get out there and start exploring the myriad employment opportunities out there for you.

In any case, don’t take your foot off the pedal.

The most import action is to keep learning.

Software development is a field that never stops changing, and being a life long learner is an integral attribute for success.

If you liked this article and want to catch up and have a chat, you can reach me via Twitter or LinkedIn.


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