PHP: composer does not belong in production!

PHP: composer does not belong in production!Thomas DutrionBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMar 23Most PHP project now use composer to manage their dependencies, and sometimes even more than that.

Actually, when it’s missing on legacy projects, that’s the first thing I am adding!While this is such a great tool, I’m often leaving both the composer.

json and composer.

lock files in production, just because I don’t bother removing them in my deployment pipeline… so do most of my fellow developers/ops.

Because we developers and IT professionals are always forced to improve our processes, I did a proper deployment of a Symfony 4 project on Microsoft Azure using a Gitlab Pipeline, where I build a docker image that does not contain composer files.

Once deployed, I got a file not found error, while searching for src/config/bundles.

php in src/Kernel.

php : $contents = require $this->getProjectDir().


php Here, $this->getProjectDir is supposed to give the absolute path of the project directory, but sends back null on my production (hence the src/ above).

The method getProjectDir is defined in SymfonyComponentHttpKernelKernel , and is defined as follow :/** * Gets the application root dir (path of the project's composer file).

* * @return string The project root dir */public function getProjectDir(){ if (null === $this->projectDir) { $r = new ReflectionObject($this); $dir = $rootDir = dirname($r->getFileName()); while (!file_exists($dir.


json')) { if ($dir === dirname($dir)) { return $this->projectDir = $rootDir; } $dir = dirname($dir); } $this->projectDir = $dir; } return $this->projectDir;}So how to deal with that if you do not have a composer.

json file?According to a 2 years old issue [kernel.

project_dir (getProjectDir()) silently returns incorrect path without composer.

json], the official answer is: override the method in your own kernel:public function getProjectDir(){ return dirname(__DIR__);}Obviously this works well, but:it requires for the developer to get the error, analyse it, and then fix itit introduces an extra step, which is bad DX (developer experience) as kids say nowadaysit couples the framework to another tool (you could use Symfony without composer at all, if you were crazy ????)To fix this problem, I did two small PRs on the framework (probably some of the smallest it ever had).

Allow to set the project dir in kernel constructorCreate the kernel with the project dir in Symfony’s framework bundle by default$kernel = new Kernel( $_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG'], dirname(__DIR__));Now you will be able to remove your composer.

json and composer.

lock files from your Symfony’s production with not path problems!How about you?.Are you removing these files or leaving them most of the time, and if leaving, why?.

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