Anomaly Detection with Time Series Forecasting

Anomaly Detection with Time Series Forecastingadithya krishnanBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMar 3Hi, this is a follow-up article on anomaly detection(Link to the previous article: https://medium.

com/myntra-engineering/anomaly-detection-with-isolation-forest-visualization-23cd75c281e2 where we did anomaly detection using unsupervised learning).

Here we will see about detecting anomalies with time series forecasting.

Time series is any data which is associated with time(daily, hourly, monthly etc).

For eg: revenue at a store every day is a time series data at a day level.

Many use cases like demand estimation, sales forecasting is a typical time series forecasting problem which could be solved by algorithms like SARIMA, LSTM, Holtwinters etc.

Time series forecasting helps us in preparing us for future needs by estimating them with the current data.

Once we have the forecast we can use that data to detect anomalies on comparing them with actuals.

Let’s implement it and look at its pros and cons.

Installing and importing libraries for visualization#Installing specific version of plotly to avoid Invalid property for color error in recent version which needs change in layout!pip install plotly==2.


0import pandas as pdimport numpy as npfrom plotly.

offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplotimport plotly.

plotly as pyimport matplotlib.

pyplot as pltfrom matplotlib import pyplotimport plotly.

graph_objs as goinit_notebook_mode(connected=True)time_series_df=pd.




head()The order of data here is important and should be **chronological** as we are going to forecast the next point.

Convert the load_date column to datetime format and sort the data based on date.


load_date = pd.


load_date, format='%Y%m%d')time_series_df = time_series_df.

sort_values(by="load_date")time_series_df = time_series_df.


head()Extract the values and apply log transform to stabilize the variance in the data or to make it stationary before feeding it to the model.

actual_vals = time_series_df.


valuesactual_log = np.

log10(actual_vals)Divide the data to train and test with 70 points in test data.

First let’s try to apply SARIMA algorithm for forecasting.

SARIMA stands for Seasonal Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average.

It has a seasonal parameter which we initialize as 7 due to weekly seasonality of our sales data.

Other parameters are p,d,q which are identified based on ACF and PACF plots or ideally we should use the parameters with minimal error in forecasting.

More details can be found here: https://people.



htm  I m not getting into the problem of getting the right set of parameters here which we will solve later using Auto Arima which allows us to get the best set of parameters in a range with minimal error.

  Here I m specifying the differencing factor(d) as 1.

It helps us to remove trends and cycles in the data.

import mathimport statsmodels.

api as smimport statsmodels.


api as smtfrom sklearn.

metrics import mean_squared_errorfrom matplotlib import pyplotimport matplotlib.

pyplot as pltimport plotly.

plotly as pyimport plotly.

tools as tlstrain, test = actual_vals[0:-70], actual_vals[-70:]train_log, test_log = np.

log10(train), np.

log10(test)my_order = (1, 1, 1)my_seasonal_order = (0, 1, 1, 7)At a time we predict the next data point and we loop through train data to predict the next data and add the next data point after prediction for further forecasting.

This is like a moving window daily level data(For eg: Previous 90 points are used to predict the next point at any given time).

Convert the predicted data back to scale by power 10 transform and plot the results.

history = [x for x in train_log]predictions = list()predict_log=list()for t in range(len(test_log)): model = sm.


SARIMAX(history, order=my_order, seasonal_order=my_seasonal_order,enforce_stationarity=False,enforce_invertibility=False) model_fit = model.

fit(disp=0) output = model_fit.

forecast() predict_log.

append(output[0]) yhat = 10**output[0] predictions.

append(yhat) obs = test_log[t] history.

append(obs) # print('predicted=%f, expected=%f' % (output[0], obs))#error = math.

sqrt(mean_squared_error(test_log, predict_log))#print('Test rmse: %.

3f' % error)# plotfigsize=(12, 7)plt.



plot(predictions, color='red',label='Predicted')pyplot.

legend(loc='upper right')pyplot.

show()Actuals vs Predict forecast plotThis is a good time series forecast.

Trend, Seasonality are two important factors in time series data and if your algorithm is able to capture the trend of your data(upward/downward) and in case your data is seasonal(weekly,daily,yearly pattern) visually then your algorithm fits your case.

Here we can observe our SARIMA algorithm captures the trend from the spikes(not by replicating it but by just capturing the spike) and predicts well with the actuals during normal days.

The parameter we specified here seems to work well for the metric but it would be an exhaustive task to do the plots verify and tune the parameters.

A solution to this is Auto Arima which returns the best set of parameters for the algorithm in our specified range.

Install pyramid-arima for auto arima.

!pip install pyramid-arimafrom pyramid.

arima import auto_arimastepwise_model = auto_arima(train_log, start_p=1, start_q=1, max_p=3, max_q=3, m=7, start_P=0, seasonal=True, d=1, D=1, trace=True, error_action='ignore', suppress_warnings=True, stepwise=True)Let’s find p and q parameters using auto_arima and specify d as 1 for first order differencing and seasonality as 7 for weekly seasonality.

Now the auto arima model can be used for stepwise forecast by the same process we performed above:import mathimport statsmodels.

api as smimport statsmodels.


api as smtfrom sklearn.

metrics import mean_squared_errortrain, test = actual_vals[0:-70], actual_vals[-70:]train_log, test_log = np.

log10(train), np.

log10(test)# split data into train and test-setshistory = [x for x in train_log]predictions = list()predict_log=list()for t in range(len(test_log)): #model = sm.


SARIMAX(history, order=my_order, seasonal_order=my_seasonal_order,enforce_stationarity=False,enforce_invertibility=False) stepwise_model.

fit(history) output = stepwise_model.

predict(n_periods=1) predict_log.

append(output[0]) yhat = 10**output[0] predictions.

append(yhat) obs = test_log[t] history.

append(obs) #print('predicted=%f, expected=%f' % (output[0], obs))#error = math.

sqrt(mean_squared_error(test_log, predict_log))#print('Test rmse: %.

3f' % error)# plotfigsize=(12, 7)plt.



plot(predictions, color='red',label='Predicted')pyplot.

legend(loc='upper right')pyplot.

show()In this scenario, auto arima and our initial SARIMA does well in forecasting also by not too much chasing the actuals.

Next to visualize let’s create a dataframe with actuals data available and results of predictionpredicted_df=pd.


reset_index(inplace=True)del predicted_df['index']predicted_df.

head()We have results of forecast and actuals, to detect anomalies using this information, I m using a property of the distribution of data.

Note this will work only if the data is distributed normal/gaussian.

Steps I do to detect anomalies:1.

Compute the error term(actual- predicted).


Compute the rolling mean and rolling standard deviation(window is a week).


Classify data with an error of 1.


75 and 2 standard deviations as limits for low,medium and high anomalies.

(5% of data point would be identified anomalies based on this property)I have used lambda function for classifying anomalies based error and standard deviation rather than having separate loops and function for it.

import numpy as npdef detect_classify_anomalies(df,window): df.


inf, -np.

inf], np.

NaN, inplace=True) df.

fillna(0,inplace=True) df['error']=df['actuals']-df['predicted'] df['percentage_change'] = ((df['actuals'] – df['predicted']) / df['actuals']) * 100 df['meanval'] = df['error'].


mean() df['deviation'] = df['error'].


std() df['-3s'] = df['meanval'] – (2 * df['deviation']) df['3s'] = df['meanval'] + (2 * df['deviation']) df['-2s'] = df['meanval'] – (1.

75 * df['deviation']) df['2s'] = df['meanval'] + (1.

75 * df['deviation']) df['-1s'] = df['meanval'] – (1.

5 * df['deviation']) df['1s'] = df['meanval'] + (1.

5 * df['deviation']) cut_list = df[['error', '-3s', '-2s', '-1s', 'meanval', '1s', '2s', '3s']] cut_values = cut_list.

values cut_sort = np.

sort(cut_values) df['impact'] = [(lambda x: np.

where(cut_sort == df['error'][x])[1][0])(x) for x in range(len(df['error']))] severity = {0: 3, 1: 2, 2: 1, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 1, 6: 2, 7: 3} region = {0: "NEGATIVE", 1: "NEGATIVE", 2: "NEGATIVE", 3: "NEGATIVE", 4: "POSITIVE", 5: "POSITIVE", 6: "POSITIVE", 7: "POSITIVE"} df['color'] = df['impact'].

map(severity) df['region'] = df['impact'].

map(region) df['anomaly_points'] = np.

where(df['color'] == 3, df['error'], np.

nan) df = df.

sort_values(by='load_date', ascending=False) df.

load_date = pd.


astype(str), format="%Y-%m-%d")return dfBelow is a function to visualize the results.

Again the importance of clear comprehensive visualization helps business users give feedback on anomalies and makes the results actionable.

The first plot has the error term with the upper and lower limit boundary specified.

The plot of actuals with anomalies highlighted would be easy for a user to interpret/validate.

So the second plot has actuals and predicted values with anomalies highlighted.

Blue line- ActualsOrange Line- PredictedRed- ErrorGreen — Moving AverageDotted lines — Upper and Lower bound for normal behaviordef plot_anomaly(df,metric_name): #error = pd.



values) #df = df.

sort_values(by='load_date', ascending=False) #df.

load_date = pd.


astype(str), format="%Y%m%d") dates = df.

load_date #meanval = error.


mean() #deviation = error.


std() #res = error#upper_bond=meanval + (2 * deviation) #lower_bond=meanval – (2 * deviation)#anomalies = pd.


index, columns=res.

columns) #anomalies[res < lower_bond] = res[res < lower_bond] #anomalies[res > upper_bond] = res[res > upper_bond] bool_array = (abs(df['anomaly_points']) > 0)#And a subplot of the Actual Values.

actuals = df["actuals"][-len(bool_array):] anomaly_points = bool_array * actuals anomaly_points[anomaly_points == 0] = np.

nan#Order_results['meanval']=meanval #Order_results['deviation']=deviationcolor_map= {0: "'rgba(228, 222, 249, 0.

65)'", 1: "yellow", 2: "orange", 3: "red"} table = go.

Table( domain=dict(x=[0, 1], y=[0, 0.

3]), columnwidth=[1, 2 ], #columnorder=[0, 1, 2,], header = dict(height = 20, values = [['<b>Date</b>'],['<b>Actual Values </b>'], ['<b>Predicted</b>'], ['<b>% Difference</b>'],['<b>Severity (0-3)</b>']], font = dict(color=['rgb(45, 45, 45)'] * 5, size=14), fill = dict(color='#d562be')), cells = dict(values = [df.


tolist() for k in ['load_date', 'actuals', 'predicted', 'percentage_change','color']], line = dict(color='#506784'), align = ['center'] * 5, font = dict(color=['rgb(40, 40, 40)'] * 5, size=12), #format = [None] + [",.

4f"] + [',.

4f'],#suffix=[None] * 4, suffix=[None] + [''] + [''] + ['%'] + [''], height = 27, #fill = dict(color=['rgb(235, 193, 238)', 'rgba(228, 222, 249, 0.

65)'])) fill=dict(color= # ['rgb(245,245,245)',#unique color for the first column [df['color'].

map(color_map)], ) ))#df['ano'] = np.

where(df['color']==3, df['error'], np.

nan)anomalies = go.

Scatter(name="Anomaly", x=dates, xaxis='x1', yaxis='y1', y=df['anomaly_points'], mode='markers', marker = dict(color ='red', size = 11,line = dict( color = "red", width = 2)))upper_bound = go.

Scatter(hoverinfo="skip", x=dates, showlegend =False, xaxis='x1', yaxis='y1', y=df['3s'], marker=dict(color="#444"), line=dict( color=('rgb(23, 96, 167)'), width=2, dash='dash'), fillcolor='rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.

3)', fill='tonexty')lower_bound = go.

Scatter(name='Confidence Interval', x=dates, xaxis='x1', yaxis='y1', y=df['-3s'], marker=dict(color="#444"), line=dict( color=('rgb(23, 96, 167)'), width=2, dash='dash'), fillcolor='rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.

3)', fill='tonexty')Actuals = go.

Scatter(name= 'Actuals', x= dates, y= df['actuals'], xaxis='x2', yaxis='y2', mode='line', marker=dict(size=12, line=dict(width=1), color="blue"))Predicted = go.

Scatter(name= 'Predicted', x= dates, y= df['predicted'], xaxis='x2', yaxis='y2', mode='line', marker=dict(size=12, line=dict(width=1), color="orange"))# create plot for error.

Error = go.

Scatter(name="Error", x=dates, y=df['error'], xaxis='x1', yaxis='y1', mode='line', marker=dict(size=12, line=dict(width=1), color="red"), text="Error")anomalies_map = go.

Scatter(name = "anomaly actual", showlegend=False, x=dates, y=anomaly_points, mode='markers', xaxis='x2', yaxis='y2', marker = dict(color ="red", size = 11, line = dict( color = "red", width = 2)))Mvingavrg = go.

Scatter(name="Moving Average", x=dates, y=df['meanval'], mode='line', xaxis='x1', yaxis='y1', marker=dict(size=12, line=dict(width=1), color="green"), text="Moving average")axis=dict( showline=True, zeroline=False, showgrid=True, mirror=True, ticklen=4, gridcolor='#ffffff', tickfont=dict(size=10))layout = dict( width=1000, height=865, autosize=False, title= metric_name, margin = dict(t=75), showlegend=True, xaxis1=dict(axis, **dict(domain=[0, 1], anchor='y1', showticklabels=True)), xaxis2=dict(axis, **dict(domain=[0, 1], anchor='y2', showticklabels=True)), yaxis1=dict(axis, **dict(domain=[2 * 0.

21 + 0.

20 + 0.

09, 1], anchor='x1', hoverformat='.

2f')), yaxis2=dict(axis, **dict(domain=[0.

21 + 0.

12, 2 * 0.

31 + 0.

02], anchor='x2', hoverformat='.

2f')))fig = go.

Figure(data = [table,anomalies,anomalies_map, upper_bound,lower_bound,Actuals,Predicted, Mvingavrg,Error], layout = layout)iplot(fig)pyplot.


reset_index(inplace=True)del classify_df['index']plot_anomaly(classify_df,"metric_name")By using a rolling mean and standard deviation here we are able to avoid continuous false anomalies during scenarios like big sale days.

The first spike or dip is highlighted after which the thresholds get adjusted.

Also, the table which provides actual data, predicted the change and conditional formatting based on the level of anomalies.

Next, we also try forecasting using LSTM which is a recurrent neural network.


com/time-series-prediction-lstm-recurrent-neural-networks-python-keras/ is a really good tutorial of time series forecasting using LSTM and we are going to use some parts of the code here for our use case.

Below are helper functions for differencing,scaling along with inverse of them and Training, forecasting of the **LSTM**.

from pandas import DataFramefrom pandas import Seriesfrom pandas import concatfrom pandas import read_csvfrom pandas import datetimefrom sklearn.

metrics import mean_squared_errorfrom sklearn.

preprocessing import MinMaxScalerfrom keras.

models import Sequentialfrom keras.

layers import Densefrom keras.

layers import LSTMfrom math import sqrt# frame a sequence as a supervised learning problemdef timeseries_to_supervised(data, lag=1): df = DataFrame(data) columns = [df.

shift(i) for i in range(1, lag+1)] columns.

append(df) df = concat(columns, axis=1) df.

fillna(0, inplace=True) return df# create a differenced seriesdef difference(dataset, interval=1): diff = list() for i in range(interval, len(dataset)): value = dataset[i] – dataset[i – interval] diff.

append(value) return Series(diff)# invert differenced valuedef inverse_difference(history, yhat, interval=1): return yhat + history[-interval]# scale train and test data to [-1, 1]def scale(train, test): # fit scaler scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1, 1)) scaler = scaler.

fit(train) # transform train train = train.


shape[0], train.

shape[1]) train_scaled = scaler.

transform(train) # transform test test = test.


shape[0], test.

shape[1]) test_scaled = scaler.

transform(test) return scaler, train_scaled, test_scaled# inverse scaling for a forecasted valuedef invert_scale(scaler, X, value): new_row = [x for x in X] + [value] array = np.

array(new_row) array = array.

reshape(1, len(array)) inverted = scaler.

inverse_transform(array) return inverted[0, -1]# fit an LSTM network to training datadef fit_lstm(train, batch_size, nb_epoch, neurons): X, y = train[:, 0:-1], train[:, -1] X = X.


shape[0], 1, X.

shape[1]) model = Sequential() model.

add(LSTM(neurons, batch_input_shape=(batch_size, X.

shape[1], X.

shape[2]), stateful=True)) model.

add(Dense(1)) model.

compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam') for i in range(nb_epoch): model.

fit(X, y, epochs=1, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0, shuffle=False) model.

reset_states() return model# make a one-step forecastdef forecast_lstm(model, batch_size, X): X = X.

reshape(1, 1, len(X)) yhat = model.

predict(X, batch_size=batch_size) return yhat[0,0]#### LSTMsupervised = timeseries_to_supervised(actual_log, 1)supervised_values = supervised.

values# split data into train and test-setstrain_lstm, test_lstm = supervised_values[0:-70], supervised_values[-70:]# transform the scale of the datascaler, train_scaled_lstm, test_scaled_lstm = scale(train_lstm, test_lstm)# fit the model batch,Epoch,Neuronslstm_model = fit_lstm(train_scaled_lstm, 1, 850 , 3)# forecast the entire training dataset to build up state for forecastingtrain_reshaped = train_scaled_lstm[:, 0].

reshape(len(train_scaled_lstm), 1, 1)#lstm_model.

predict(train_reshaped, batch_size=1)Forecast data using LSTM and plot the resultsfrom matplotlib import pyplotimport matplotlib.

pyplot as pltimport plotly.

plotly as pyimport plotly.

tools as tls# walk-forward validation on the test datapredictions = list()for i in range(len(test_scaled_lstm)):#make one-step forecast X, y = test_scaled_lstm[i, 0:-1], test_scaled_lstm[i, -1] yhat = forecast_lstm(lstm_model, 1, X) # invert scaling yhat = invert_scale(scaler, X, yhat) # invert differencing #yhat = inverse_difference(raw_values, yhat, len(test_scaled)+1-i) # store forecast predictions.

append(10**yhat) expected = actual_log[len(train_lstm) + i ]# line plot of observed vs predictedfigsize=(12, 7)plt.



plot(predictions, color = "red",label='Predicted')pyplot.

legend(loc='upper right')pyplot.

show()The LSTM too works well for this metric.

The important parameters of LSTM neural network are the activation function, the number of neurons,batch size and epoch which needs to be tuned for better results.

Now lets try this out in a different metric data.

The data is for same time period.





head()With the same procedure followed above, we use auto arima to get the best parameters and forecast stepwise.

Plot the results of actuals and predictions made.

actual_vals = tf_df.


valuestrain, test = actual_vals[0:-70], actual_vals[-70:]train_log, test_log = np.

log10(train), np.

log10(test)from pyramid.

arima import auto_arimastepwise_model = auto_arima(train_log, start_p=1, start_q=1, max_p=3, max_q=3, m=7, start_P=0, seasonal=True, d=1, D=1, trace=True, error_action='ignore', suppress_warnings=True, stepwise=True)history = [x for x in train_log]predictions = list()predict_log=list()for t in range(len(test_log)): #model = sm.


SARIMAX(history, order=my_order, seasonal_order=my_seasonal_order,enforce_stationarity=False,enforce_invertibility=False) stepwise_model.

fit(history,enforce_stationarity=False,enforce_invertibility=False) output = stepwise_model.

predict(n_periods=1) predict_log.

append(output[0]) yhat = 10**output[0] predictions.

append(yhat) obs = test_log[t] history.

append(obs) #print('predicted=%f, expected=%f' % (output[0], obs))#error = math.

sqrt(mean_squared_error(test_log, predict_log))#print('Test rmse: %.

3f' % error)# plotfigsize=(12, 7)plt.



plot(predictions, color='red',label='Predicted')pyplot.

legend(loc='upper right')pyplot.

show()Here the algorithm tries to chase down the actuals.

Though this might be a good forecast where the error is low but the anomalous behavior in the actuals cant be identified using this.

This is a problem of using forecasting techniques for anomaly detection.

We are trying to capture trends/seasonality in data along with not optimizing too much on the error to get an exact replica of actuals(which makes us difficult to find anomalies).

Every metric needs to be validated with parameters fine-tuned so that anomalies are detected when using forecasting for detecting anomalies.

Also for metrics with a different distribution of data a different approach in identifying anomalies needs to be followed.

One more con is, Isolation forest we detected anomalies for a use case which comprised of multiple metrics at a time and we drilled down to anomalies on individual metrics in them.

Whereas using forecasting mechanism we need a separate correlation logic as forecasting is individual for metrics.

Whereas an algorithm like isolation forest separates out anomalous behavior from the data which can be used to generalize to multiple metrics.


. More details

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