Reinforcement Learning Tutorial Part 3: Basic Deep Q-Learning

Any real world scenario is much more complicated than this, so it is simply an artifact of our attempt to keep the example simple, not a general trend.

We are also using something called “one-hot” neurons as our state input.

The active state has its neuron set to 1.

0 and all the other state neurons are set to 0.


This is not a hard requirement, but in this case, it made the training more stable.

One could also represent the game state in other ways like for example a single neuron with the value ranging from 1 to 5.

This would also use less memory in the case of simulation with large state-space.

TrainingWhen we did Q-learning earlier, we used the algorithm above.

With the neural network taking the place of the Q-table, we can simplify it.

The learning rate is no longer needed, as our back-propagating optimizer will already have that.

Learning rate is simply a global gas pedal and one does not need two of those.

Once the learning rate is removed, you realize that you can also remove the two Q(s, a) terms, as they cancel each other out after getting rid of the learning rate.

Reinforcement learning is often described as a separate category from supervised and unsupervised learning, yet here we will borrow something from our supervised cousin.

Reinforcement learning is said to need no training data, but that is only partly true.

Training data is not needed beforehand, but it is collected while exploring the simulation and used quite similarly.

When the agent is exploring the simulation, it will record experiences.

Single experience = (old state, action, reward, new state)Training our model with a single experience:Let the model estimate Q values of the old stateLet the model estimate Q values of the new stateCalculate the new target Q value for the action, using the known rewardTrain the model with input = (old state), output = (target Q values)Note: Our network doesn’t get (state, action) as input like the Q-learning function Q(s,a) does.

This is because we are not replicating Q-learning as a whole, just the Q-table.

The input is just the state and the output is Q-values for all possible actions (forward, backward) for that state.

The CodeIn the previous part, we were smart enough to separate agent(s), simulation and orchestration as separate classes.

This means we can just introduce a new agent and the rest of the code will stay basically the same.

If you want to see the rest of the code, see part 2 or the GitHub repo.

BatchingIn our example, we retrain the model after each step of the simulation, with just one experience at a time.

This is to keep the code simple.

This approach is often called online training.

A more common approach is to collect all (or many) of the experiences into a memory log.

The model is then trained against multiple random experiences pulled from the log as a batch.

This is called batch training or mini-batch training.

It is more efficient and often provides more stable training results overall to reinforcement learning.

It is quite easy to translate this example into a batch training, as the model inputs and outputs are already shaped to support that.

ResultsHere are some training runs with different learning rates.

Note that here we are measuring performance and not total rewards like we did in the previous parts.

The upward trend is the result of two things: Learning and exploitation.

Learning means the model is learning to minimize the loss and maximize the rewards like usual.

Exploitation means that since we start by gambling and exploring and shift linearly towards exploitation more and more, we get better results toward the end, assuming the learned strategy has started to make any sense along the way.

Training a toy simulation like this with a deep neural network is not optimal by any means.

The simulation is not very nuanced, the reward mechanism is very coarse and deep networks generally thrive in more complex scenarios.

Often in machine learning, the simplest solution ends up being the best one, so cracking a nut with a sledgehammer as we have done here is not recommended in real life.

Now that we have learned how to replace Q-table with a neural network, we are all set to tackle more complicated simulations and utilize the Valohai deep learning platform to the fullest in the next part.

See you soon!Star this Q-learning Tutorial project in GitHub.

Originally published at blog.




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