Building SMS Applications using Africa’s Talking Platform

Building SMS Applications using Africa’s Talking PlatformAlu ShaksBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingFeb 17The first thing you will need to do is go to Africa’s Talking platform using this URL:https://africastalking.

com/Africa's Talking – Communication & Payments APIs for AfricaA unified API platform for software developers in Africa building SMS, USSD, Voice, Payments and Airtime applicationsafricastalking.

comOnce you get to the homepage look out for the Login button:Africa’s talking home pageClicking on the login button leads you to….

, yes the login page.

Africa’s talking login pageIn our case, we will we register a new account, after filling in your details submit and make sure to verify your email.

Create New TeamAm sure you will come up with a better Team Name.

Select TeamHow’s it going so far?.quite simple right?Create AppOnce you click on Create App you need to fill in a name for the app and the username associated to it.

Make sure to put the correct region you are in.

New App DetailsThe work starts now:Click on AppTo get started click on DocsI would recommend going through all the tutorials but for now, let look at sending an SMSFollow the steps show below:Getting Started with Sending SMSClick on SMSClick on SendingClick on Code SamplesYou can then pick a language of preference in this case we are going to use PHPSMS Sending PHPYou will need to change the $username,$apikey, Type in the recipient/s and by default $from=”AFRICASTKNG”So how do you get your API?Generating an API KeyYou got to Settings under DashboardClick on API KeyA window opens for you to enter your password, enter and click on generate.

Once the API is generated keep it safe.

You can then enter it in the code above and run it after customizing it to best suit you.


Sample Code for Sending SMSAnd you know what the best part of using Africa’s Talking your account has already been credited and once hit run your “recipient” receives the text.

Recipient Receives TextHappy coding!Special thanks to Wiza Jalakasi and Africa’s Talking Ltd for the lessons.


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