Creating a ToDo App with a MEVN Full Stack (Part 1)

You should have the default Vue page rendering at http://localhost:8080While this is nice, we won’t need any of this default page/styles later.

Go to src/app.

vue and replace it with this much shorter piece of code that will render our pages later.

<template> <div id="app"> <router-view/> </div></template><script>export default { name: 'app', data () { return { } }}</script><style></style>Now that we have the frontend setup and ready for development, let’s do the same for our backend.

Setting Up Your BackendFirst, we’re going to have to navigate over to our server folder from our client folder using the command cd .

/server/ .

Then, we have to create a package.

json file that sets up npm and contains all the important metadata and script commands for your project.

Run the command npm init and just hit enter through all of the options.

If you open the package.

json file, you should see the following.

{ "name": "server", "version": "1.


0", "main": "index.

js", "scripts": { "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC", "keywords": [], "description": ""}This is great, except it doesn’t have a defined start command.

The start command allows us to enter the command npm start and have our server run.

We could add the line “start”: “node src/app.

js” , but then we would have to manually restart the server everytime we change our file.

A good solution that we’ll use is to use nodemon — an npm package that detects file changes and automatically restarts your server.

First, we have to install nodemon with the command npm install –save nodemon .

This will save nodemon as a dependency for your server.

Then, we have to actually include nodemon in our start command.

Your scripts section should now have the following start command.

"scripts": { "start": ".


js src/app.

js", "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1" },Next, to actually get a working Express app, we’re going to have to install a few dependencies, namely express, body-parser, cors, and morgan .

We can install these with the following command:npm install –save express body-parser cors morganNow that we have installed the essential dependencies for an Express app, we have to actually create the app.

js file.

So create a folder in server called src and create the file app.


Your file structure for server (hopefully)It’s finally time to work on making your server run.

For starters, we are going to import the dependencies, define our express app, and make that app use the dependencies.

// import dependenciesconst express = require('express')const bodyParser = require('body-parser')const cors = require('cors')const morgan = require('morgan')const app = express() // create your express app// make app use dependenciesapp.







PORT || 8081) // client is already running on 8080So now if we run npm start, there should be a nodemon output that says the app was started.

But we can’t actually do anything with this.

There are no defined routes, so even if we go to http://localhost:8081 nothing will happen.

Let’s fix this.

All we have to do is define a route.

I’m going to assume you have some experience with Express, so I won’t go into crazy depth about how/why this works.

In app.

js// import dependenciesconst express = require('express')const bodyParser = require('body-parser')const cors = require('cors')const morgan = require('morgan')const app = express() // create your express app// make app use dependenciesapp.





get('/todo', (req, res) => { res.

send([ 'Thing 1', 'Thing 2' ])})app.



PORT || 8081) // client is already running on 8080The server should restart automatically (thanks nodemon) and if we head over to http://localhost:8081/todo we should see our String array outputted onto the page in the format [“Thing 1”, “Thing 2”].

There you go — you have both your frontend and backend setup!Routing to Your First PageNavigate back over to the client/src folder and create two folders: one named components and one named router .

The components folder will store all of the components for the app, and the router folder will store all of information that allows for the app to have multiple pages.

First, we’re going to have to make our page.

In your components folder, make a file called ToDo.

vue — this will be the main page that we are working with for this tutorial.

Make it look like the following.

<template lang="html"> <div> <ul> <li> Hello World </li> </ul> </div></template><script>export default {}</script><style lang="css"></style>We have our first page, but we still need a way to access it from localhost.

In your client folder, go to router/index.

js — this handles all of the routing for your client-side project.

Put the following code in it.

import Vue from 'vue'import Router from 'vue-router'import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld'import ToDo from '@/components/ToDo'Vue.

use(Router)export default new Router({ routes: [ { path: '/', name: 'HelloWorld', component: HelloWorld } { path: '/todos', component: ToDo } ]})If we have done everything correctly, when we go to the url http://localhost:8080/#/todo the component ToDos.

vue should be rendered — this is currently just a list of one element that prints Hello World.

Cool — we have a multipage app!.You now know basics of how to do pure frontend development in VueJS.

But that’s not why you’re here.

Let’s connect this to the backend.

Using Axios to Connect Client and ServerTo allow our client to communicate with our server and vice-versa, we will use axios — a package that can make HTTP requests to a node server.

First, install it using npm install –save axios and then in your client/src directory, create another folder called services .

In this new folder, create a file called API.

js and paste the following code.

import axios from 'axios'export default() => { return axios.

create({ baseURL: `http://localhost:8081/` // the url of our server })}Then, in order to have more modular and maintainable code, let’s create another file called ToDoAPI.

js that will handle all of the server that relate to notes.

In it, we will declare different functions that call the server by using the axios API that we just defined.

Paste the following into ToDoAPI.

jsimport API from '@/services/API'export default { getToDos () { return API().

get('todo') }}Now, we have to modify our ToDo.

vue component in order to get it to properly load and display the data from the server call.

First, we import ToDoAPI.

js into our Vue component so that we can call getTodos().

Then, we call it in an async function using Javascript’s async/await syntax.

Finally, this async function is called in Vue’s mounted hook.

In order to render our data, we will use Vue’s v-for directive to fill our list with our to-dos.

In ToDo.

vue,<template lang="html"> <div> <ul> <li v-for='todo in todos'> <span>{{todo}}</span> </li> </ul> </div></template><script>import ToDoAPI from '@/services/ToDoAPI.

js'export default { data () { return { todos: [] } }, mounted () { this.

loadTodos() }, methods: { async loadTodos () { const response = await ToDoAPI.

getToDos() this.

todos = response.

data } }}</script><style lang="css"></style>Voila!.We have the following output.

Found at http://localhost:8080/#/todoWhile it might not seem like much, there’s actually a lot happening.

We have:A running Vue appA Node/Express serverAxios communicating data between the client and serverThe client using Axios to get and render the data from the serverIn the next part, we’ll get MongoDB running and also work on making everything look a lot better.

Creating a ToDo App with a MEVN Full Stack (Part 2)Part 2/2 in this beginner’s tutorial-adding a MongoDB to a MEVN stack.



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