Java Pitfalls

Java PitfallsAlex MaisonBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingFeb 10I want to bring to your attention to a short article.

The article is intended for beginners.

But even if you are an experienced developer, do not make hasty conclusions.

I hope this publication will be useful not only for beginners.

The purpose of this publication:Show the most common mistakes of beginners and some techniques for correcting them.

It is clear that some errors can be complex and occur for one reason or another.

The purpose of the publication is to analyze them to some extent and help identify them at an early stage.

I hope this publication will be useful for beginners.

Java PitfallsAll programming languages ​​have their advantages and disadvantages.

This is due to many reasons.

Java is no exception.

I tried to collect some obvious and not obvious difficulties faced by an aspiring Java programmer.

I am sure that experienced programmers will also find something useful in my article.

Practice, attentiveness and gained programming experience will help save you from many mistakes.

But some errors and difficulties should be considered in advance.

I will give a few examples with code and explanations.

Many explanations you will become clear from the comments to the code.

Practice gives a lot, as some rules are not so obvious.

Some are on the surface, some are hidden in the libraries of the language or in the Java Virtual Machine.

Remember that Java is not only a programming language with a set of libraries, it is also a java virtual machine.

For the article, I specifically wrote a working code with detailed comments.

For writing the article was used Java 8.

For testing, the Java code is placed in separate packages.

Example: “package underwaterRocks.

simple;”What difficulties do beginners face?TyposIt happens that novice programmers make typos that are difficult to spot at a glance.

Code example:File: “Simple.

java”/ *training example; after condition and block* /package underwaterRocks.

simple;/ ** * * @author Ar20L80 * /public class Simple { public static void main (String [] args) { int ival = 10; if (ival> 0); { System.


println ("This block is independent of the condition"); } }}Explanation: “Semicolon means the end of the operator.

In this case; — this is the end of the empty statement.

This is a logical error.

Such an error can be difficult to detect.

The compiler will consider that everything is correct.

Condition if (ival> 0); in this case, does not make sense.

Because it means: if ival is greater than zero, do nothing and continue.

”Assignment in condition instead of comparisonIn a condition assignment to a variable.

This is not a mistake, but the use of such a technique should be justified.

boolean myBool = false;if(myBool = true) System.


println(myBool);In this code, if (myBool = true) means: “Assign the variable myBool to true,if the expression is true, fulfill the condition following the brackets.

“In this code, the condition will always be true.

And System.


println (myBool); will always be met, regardless of the condition.

== is a comparison for equality.

= Is an assignment, you can speak a = 10; as: “and assign the value 10”.

The condition in parentheses returns a boolean value.

No matter what order you write it down.

You can compare like this: (0 == a) or (5 == a)If you forget one equal sign, for example (0 = a) or (5 = a), the compiler will tell you about the error.

You assign a value, not a comparison.

You can also write some space in a readable form.

For example, you need to write: a is greater than 5 and less than 10.

You write like this: (a> 4 && a <10), but you might as well write: (4 <a && a <10),Now you see that lies between 4 and 10, excluding these values.

This is more obvious.

It is immediately evident that a lies in the interval between 4 and 10, excluding these values.

Code example (interval] 3.

9 [):if (3 <a && a <9);Logical errorif (condition) {} if (condition) {} else {} — else refers to the nearest if.

Often this is the cause of beginners’ mistakes.

Wrong string comparisonBeginners quite often use == instead of .

equals to compare strings.

Variable initializationConsider initializing variables of primitive type.

Primitivesbyte,short,int,long,char,float,double,booleanInitial valuesbyte 0short 0int 0long 0Lfloat 0.

0fdouble 0.

0dchar 'u0000'String (or any object) nullboolean false (зависит от jvm)Note:Local variables are slightly different;The compiler never assigns a default value to an uninitialized local variable.

If you cannot initialize your local variable where it is declared,don’t forget to assign a value to it before trying to use it.

Access to an uninitialized local variable will result in a compile-time error.

Confirmation of this note in the code:File: “MyInitLocal.

java”/ *training exampleinitialization of class variables and local variables * /package underwaterRocks.

myInit;/ ** * * @author Ar20L80 * /public class MyInitLocal { float classes_f; int classes_gi; public static void main (String [] args) { float f; int i; MyInitLocal myInit = new MyInitLocal (); / * in this place, variables are already initialized with default parameters.

* / System.


println ("myInit.

classes_f =" + myInit.

classes_f); System.


println ("myInit.

classes_gi =" + myInit.

classes_gi); // System.


println ("f =" + f); // mistake.

Local variable not initialized // System.


println ("f =" + i); // mistake.

Local variable not initialized }}Value ranges:byte (integers, 1 byte, [-128, 127])short (integers, 2 bytes, [-32768, 32767])int (integers, 4 bytes, [-2147483648, 2147483647])long (integers, 8 bytes, [-922372036854775808,922372036854775807])float (real numbers, 4 bytes)double (real numbers, 8 bytes)char (Unicode character, 2 bytes, [0, 65536])boolean (true/false value, int is used, depends on JVM)Oracle Documentation >>Let’s try to initialize a long type variable with the number: 922372036854775807.

Nothing will come of it.

Because it is an integer literal of type int.

Proper initialization with a long literal: 922372036854775807L;Code example:File: “MyInitLocalLong.

java”/ * training example Long initialization locally * /package underwaterRocks.

myInit;/ ** * * @author Ar20L80 * /public class MyInitLocalLong { public static void main (String [] args) { // long al = 922372036854775807; // error integer number too large long bl = 922372036854775807L; // that's right }}What to look for when initializing a variable.

On the range of values of a variable of this type.

That the variable is initialized with a literal of a certain type.

On explicit and implicit type conversion.

On compatibility types.

When using Integer type shells, you should pay attention to auto packing and auto unpacking of these types.

Incorrect use doubleHere you need to clarify.

This is not about using double type incorrectly.

We use correctly.

Only the result can surprise a novice programmer.

/ * training example * /package underwaterRocks.

tstDouble;/ ** * * @author vvm * /public class MinusDouble { public static void main (String [] args) { double a = 4.

64; double b = 2.

64; System.


println ("a-b =" + (a-b)); }}/ *Program outputrun:a-b = 1.

9999999999999996* /A note about the type of double.

Floating point allows you to count with a given relative error and a huge range.

In scientific calculations often need relative error.

Incorrect double comparisonConsider the type double.

Code example:File: MyDouble.

java/ * training example Double comparison Caution – double.

* /package underwaterRocks.

myDouble;/ ** * * @author Ar20L80 * /public class MyDouble { public static void main (String [] args) { double dx = 1.

4 – 0.

1 – 0.

1 – 0.

1 – 0.

1; System.


println ("dx =" + dx); // dx = 0.

9999999999999997 System.


print ("Comparison (dx == 1.

0):"); System.


println (dx == 1.

0); // false, because 1.

0 is not equal to 0.

9999999999999997 / * how to compare double * / final double EPSILON = 1E-14; double xx = 1.

4 – 0.

1 – 0.

1 – 0.

1 – 0.

1; double xy = 1.

0; / * compare xx with xy * / if (Math.

abs (xx – xy) <EPSILON) System.


println (xx + "this is approximately equal to" + xy + "EPSILON =" + EPSILON); }}The double type is convenient where high precision is not needed.

For financial transactions, this type is not suitable.

Although some companies are not very honest, I use the double type to round off in the direction they want.

For financial transactions, the BigDecimal class is used in financial calculations, since real primitive types are not suitable for this purpose for reasons of loss of accuracy and errors in rounding results.

However, more accurate results are obtained using the BigInteger class.

Class constructorThe class constructor matches the class name and returns nothing, not even void.

Code example:File: MyConstructor.

java/ * training example The constructor returns nothing, not even void.

The fact that with void is an ordinary class method * /package underwaterRocks.

myConstructor;/ ** * * @author Ar20L80 * /public class MyConstructor { public MyConstructor () { System.


println ("I am a constructor without void"); } public void MyConstructor () { System.


println ("I'm a c-void constructor"); } public static void main (String [] args) { MyConstructor myconst = new MyConstructor (); myconst.

MyConstructor (); // call the usual method }}As we see in the code, two methods with the same name: MyConstructor () and MyConstructor ().

One of the methods returns nothing.

This is the constructor of our class.

Another method with void is the usual class method.

In the case when you have not created a constructor or created, in your opinion, a class constructor with void, the compiler will create a default constructor and you will be surprised why your constructor does not work.

Division by zeroWhat do you think will be the result of such a code.

File: “DivisionByZero.

java”/ * educational example * /package divisionByZero;import static java.



POSITIVE_INFINITY;/ ** * * @author Ar20L80 * /public class DivisionByZero { public static void main (String [] args) { try { float f = 12.

2f; double d = 8098098.

8790d; System.


println (f / 0); System.


println (d / 0); System.


println (POSITIVE_INFINITY == f / 0); System.


println (POSITIVE_INFINITY == d / 0); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.


println ("NumberFormatException"); } catch (ArithmeticException ex) { System.


println ("ArithmeticException"); } } }Running the code will output:InfinityInfinitytruetrueDividing the integer type by zero will give an ArithmeticException.

In the java.


Double class, the constant POSITIVE_INFINITY is defined;public static final float POSITIVE_INFINITY = 1.

0d / 0.

0d;It is converted to a string equal to Infinity.

Initialization orderFile: “InitClass.

java”/ * training example class initialization * /package myInitClass;/ ** * * @author Ar20L80 * /public class InitClass { InitClass () {// class constructor System.


print ("Constructor"); } {// initialization block System.


print ("3"); } public static void main (String [] args) { System.


print ("2"); new InitClass (); } static {// static block initialization System.


print ("1"); }}First, all static blocks are executed, then initialization blocks, then the class constructor.

It will appear: “123 Constructor”Local variable hides class variableAlthough modern IDEs easily detect such an error, I would like to consider such an error in more detail.

Let’s start with the classic assignment of a variable in the constructor.

The example is correct.

There is no mistake.

public class MyClass { private int val = 0;public MyClass(int val) { this.

val = val; }}However, what happens if you use such a technique in a method, and not in a class constructor?.In the usual method to use this technique is not recommended.

The question relates to the correct design of the class.

Simple explanation: In a method, a variable with the same name as a class variable is local to the method.

You can access the class variable using this.


However, such a call from the method, if the class is incorrectly designed, will only cause side effects and may worsen the readability of the code.

ConclusionMany errors are not obvious at first glance.

Even experienced programmers make them but in smaller quantities.

Mindfulness, hands-on experience, using the debugger and reading the documentation will allow you to avoid many mistakes.


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