Effectively Pre-processing the Text Data Part 1: Text Cleaning

Effectively Pre-processing the Text Data Part 1: Text CleaningAli HamzaBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingJan 30Image source: https://wall.



php?i=346199The content of this article is directly inspired from the books “Deep Learning with Python” by Francois Chollet, and “An Introduction to Information Retrieval” by Manning, Raghavan, and Schütze.

Some info-graphics used in this article are also taken from the mentioned books.

Text is the form of data which has existed for millenniums throughout the human history.

All the sacred texts influencing all the religions, all the compositions of poets and authors, all the scientific explanations by the brightest minds of their times, all the political documents which define our history and our future, and all kind of explicit human communication, these “All”s define the importance of data available in the form of what we call text.

In my previous article Effective Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering, I have explained some general process of preprocessing using the three main steps, which are “Transformation into vectors, Normalization, and Dealing with the missing values”.

This article will cover the prequel steps of transforming the text data into some form of vectors, which is more about data cleaning.

Text is just a sequence of words, or more precisely, a sequence of characters.

But when we usually deal with language modelling, or natural language processing, we are more concerned about the words as a whole, instead of just worrying about character-level depth of our text data.

One reason behind that is, that in the language models, individual characters don’t have a lot of “context”.

Characters like ‘d’, ‘r’, ‘a’, ‘e’ don’t hold any context individually, but when rearranged in the form of a word, they might generate the word “read”, which might explain some activity you’re probably doing right now.

Vectorization is just a method to convert words into long lists of numbers, which might hold some sort of complex structuring, only to be understood by a computer using some sort of machine learning, or data mining algorithm.

But even before that, we need to perform a sequence of operations on the text, so that our text can be “cleaned” out.

The process of data “cleansing” can vary on the basis of source of the data.

Main steps of text data cleansing are listed below with explanations:Removing Unwanted CharactersThe is a primary step in the process of text cleaning.

If we scrap some text from HTML/XML sources, we’ll need to get rid of all the tags, HTML entities, punctuation, non-alphabets, and any other kind of characters which might not be a part of the language.

The general methods of such cleaning involve regular expressions, which can be used to filter out most of the unwanted texts.

There are some systems where important English characters like the full-stops, question-marks, exclamation symbols, etc are retained.

Consider an example where you want to perform some sentiment analysis on human generated tweets, and you want to classify the tweets are very angry, angry, neutral, happy, and very happy.

Simple sentiment analysis might find it hard to differentiate between a happy, and a very happy sentiment, because there can be some moments only words are not able to explain.

Consider the two sentences with the same semantic meaning:“This food is good.

”, and “This.




See what I’m trying to say? Same words, but totally different sentiments, and the only information which can help us to see the different is the overused punctuation, which shows some sort of an “extra” feeling.

Emoticons, which are made up of non-alphabets also play a role in sentiment analysis.

“:), :(, -_-, :D, xD”, all these, when processed correctly, can help with a better sentiment analysis.

Even if you want to develop a system that may classify whether some phrase is sarcasm, or not sarcasm, such little details can be helpful.

Apostrophe is one important punctuation character, which needs to be dealt carefully, because a lot of text can be based on apostrophes.

Terms like “aren’t, shouldn’t, didn’t, would’ve, mightn’t’ve, y’all’d’ve” are infiltrating the online documents just like a disease, and luckily, we do have a cure for that as well.

Here is a nice dictionary of all these word contractions, which you can always use to convert words involving apostrophes into formal English terms, separated by a space.

Encoding in the Proper FormatVarious kinds of data encodings are available, like the UTF-8 encoding, Latin encoding, ISO/IEC encodings, etc.

UTF-8 is one of the most common encodings most computers use, so it’s always a good idea to convert text into the UTF-8 encoding.

But, you can also encode in other formats, depending on the application, and your programming environment.

Tokenization and Capitalization/De-capitalizationTokenization is just the process of splitting a sentence into words.

Tokenization of a sentenceYou might’ve realized that the above example doesn’t only tokenize the sentence, but also makes sure that all the words are lowercase.

This example not only divides the individual entities, but also gets rid of the capitalism involved (no pun intended).

Capitalization and De-capitalization is again, dependent on what the application is going to be.

If we’re only concerned with the terms, and not their “intensities of presence”, then all the terms with lowercase should do fine, but if we want to differentiate between any sentiments, then something written in uppercase might mean something different than something written in lowercase.

See the below example:“Let’s go to the highlands!”“LET’S GO TO THE HIGHLANDS!”Again, the latter shows way more amount of enthusiasm that the first first sentence.

Removing/Retaining StopwordsThis cleaning step also depends on what you’ll eventually be doing with your data after preprocessing.

Stopwords are the words which are used very frequently, and they’re so frequent, that they somewhat lose their semantic meaning.

Words like “of, are, the, it, is” are some examples of stopwords.

In applications like document search engines and document classification, where keywords are more important than general terms, removing stopwords can be a good idea, but if there’s some application about, for instance, songs lyrics search, or search specific quotes, stopwords can be important.

Consider some examples like “To be, or not not be”, “Look what you made me do” etc.

Stopwords in such phrases actually play an important role, and hence, should not be dropped.

There are two common approaches of removing the stopwords, and both are fairly straightforward.

One way is to count all the word occurrences, and providing a threshold value on the count, and getting rid of all the terms/words occurring more than the specified threshold value.

The other way is to have a predetermined list of stopwords, which can be removed from the list of tokens/tokenized sentences.

Some human expressions, like “hahaha, lol, lmfao, brb, wtf” can also be a valuable information when working on systems based on semantic/sentiment analysis, but for the systems requiring a more formal kind of an application, these expressions might also get removed.

Breaking the Attached WordsText data can contain words joined together with no space between them.

Most of the hashtags on social media are put up like “#AwesomeDay, #DataScientist, #BloggingIsPassion”, etc.


Such terms also need to be taken care of, and a straightforward way is to split these terms based on the capital letters, and this is possible if we had retained the capitalization.

If we don’t want to retain capitalization, then this step should be performed during the tokenization step, right before making everything lowercase.

Lemmatizing/Stemming“ The goal of both stemming and lemmatization is to reduce inflectional forms and sometimes derivationally related forms of a word to a common base form.

” With that being said, stemming/lemmatizing helps us reduce the number of overall terms to certain “root” terms.

Organizer, organizes, organization, organized all these get reduced to a root term, maybe “organiz”.

Stemming is a crude way of reducing terms to their root, by just defining rules of chopping off some characters at the end of the word, and hopefully, gets good results most of the time.

Examples of stemmingLemmatization is comparatively a more systematic approach of doing the same thing which stemming does, but involves some vocabulary, and morphological analysis.

Once again, the process of stemming and lemmatization should be performed only when required, because affixes of words contain additional information, which can be utilized.

For example, “faster” and “fastest” have the same root, but their semantic meaning is different than each other.

So, if your application only relates to the term only, as most search engines, and document clustering systems do, then stemming/lemmatization might be an option, but for the applications which need to consider some semantic analysis, stemming and lemmatization might be dropped.

Spell and Grammar CorrectionThese techniques can be a good way to obtain better results when working with text data.

In a scenario where you need to train a chatbot for some formal use-cases, and you have a lot of human-conversation text data available, then you might to perform spelling and grammar correction, because if your chatbot gets trained over garbage, it might make a lot of mistake as well.

Also, since computers are not good at telling a difference between “awesome” and “awesum”, these two variations of the same word will end up having different feature vectors, and will be dealt differently.

We don’t want that to happen, because both terms are the same with a spelling mistake.

Human error is not supposed to have an impact on how computers learn, and that’s important.

If computers start to make the same mistakes as humans do, then they’ll be as much useless as those humans who make mistakes frequently.

Summarizing the article, data cleansing is all about getting rid of the “noise” in the data.

But your application decides what content within the data is noise, and what is not noise.

Once you figure out what you need to keep, and what you need to discard from your data, then you’ll very certainly have an application which works the way you planned.

If you have performed the above mentioned steps, or even some of them, then by now you should have a matrix X of multiple lists, where each lists contains cleansed, and tokenized words for a sentence.

And now, the next step is to go with a technique which converts all the tokenized lists into vectors v.

That stuff shall be discussed in the upcoming post, entitled “Effectively Pre-processing the Text Data Part 2: Text Vectorization”.

For any queries/comments/criticism, I’m available for constructive communication.

Stay safe, stay blessed, and happy data science!.

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