Top Active Blogs on AI, Analytics, Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning – updated

Back in 2017 we created a list of 90 active blogs across Analytics, Big Data, Data Mining, Data Science and Machine Learning.

Two years on and we’ve decided to update that list, pushing the number up to 100 and giving you more choice than ever to be able to read more on topics that interest you.

This year, we’ve removed 24 blog sites from the previous list that no longer met our active criterion: at least one blog post in the last three months (since October 1st, 2018).

We’ve also added 36 new relevant blogs to the selection.

As before, all blogs in this list are categorized into two groups: very active and moderately active.

The former often have several entries each month while the latter may only have one post for a few months recently.

We also separate blogs that do not involve much in technical discussions as in an Others group.

Within each group of blogs, we list in alphabetical order.

The blog overview is based on information as it has appeared on its URL as of 6th January 2019.

If we have missed any popular active blogs, please suggest them in the comments below.

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