Creating a Massively Scalable WordPress Site on Azure’s Hosted Bits

Better to make it random SERVERNAME=server$RANDOM #this has to be unique across azure #accepted values for the service plan: B1, B2, B3, D1, F1, FREE, P1, P1V2, P2, P2V2, P3, P3V2, PC2, PC3, PC4, S1, S2, S3, SHARED #B2 is good for getting started – read up on the different levels and their associated cost.

PLAN=B2 #Kick it off by creating the Resource Group echo "Creating resource group" az group create -n $RG -l $LOCATIONAt the very top I’m setting the resource group as RGbecause it’s used everywhere.

I’m then setting the APPNAMEand LOCATION, the latter with a default of “Central US”.

When you create things in Azure, you use “resource groups” for logical groupings.

This is extremely helpful when you want to wholesale remove everything when you’re playing around, which I am.

It also keeps project-based stuff nice and tidy.

The name of your website needs to be unique across Azure as well.

I usually try to name mine with the resource group appended to it somehow.

I’ll talk about the user name and password stuff later.

The final step is to create the resource group.

Now let’s create MySQL.

Step 1: Spinning Up a Managed MySQL InstanceThis, to me, is the main benefit of using Azure.

You get a super-scalable MySQL instance to back your fully-managed website.

Most one-click installs you see online give you a single VM with MySQL installed right next to WordPress.

This usually works fine (such as with this blog you’re reading) but if you’re planning on ramping up, it can be a bit scary.

The first thing to decide is the size of our database.

You can ramp this thing to the moon if you want, but I suggest keeping it small to start.

I’ve listed out the SKU structure in the script:#The sku-name parameter value follows the convention {pricing tier}_{compute generation}_{vCores} as in the examples below: # –sku-name B_Gen5_2 maps to Basic, Gen 5, and 2 vCores.

# –sku-name GP_Gen5_32 maps to General Purpose, Gen 5, and 32 vCores.

# –sku-name MO_Gen5_2 maps to Memory Optimized, Gen 5, and 2 vCores.

#WARNING – this might error out if your region doesn't support the SKU you set here.

If it does, execute: #az group delete -g [resource group] to drop everything and try again #The SKU below is reasonable for a WP blog, but if you're going to host something more, consider more RAM/Cores SKU=B_Gen5_1 #this is the cheapest one echo "Spinning up MySQL $SERVERNAME in group $RG Admin is $USER" # Create the MySQL service az mysql server create –resource-group $RG –name $SERVERNAME –admin-user $USER –admin-password $PASS –sku-name $SKU –ssl-enforcement Disabled –location $LOCATIONThis code creates a smaller MySQL instance — in fact it’s the smallest one you can create.

I ran into some issues with certain SKUs not being supported in certain regions, but if you get an error just drop the resource group and try again.

We then spin up MySQL.

The one big thing to notice here is –ssl-enforcement Disabledwhich caused me some headaches.

WordPress doesn’t use SSL out of the box, which you can change with a plugin or config changes (surprise surprise).

If you’re behind a firewall or part of a VPN, this might not be a huge deal.

You can change this later on, however, when the plugin is installed.

The final thing to point out is the admin-user and admin-passwordsettings.

I am not a fan of leaving the root level stuff to the user, but right now that’s the way it is.

To softly get around this, the script creates a random user name and generates a GUID for the password, which you can see in the first script above.

We’re now ready to open a firewall and create our WordPress database.

Step 2: Firewall and WordPress DatabaseOur server is up and running but is locked down completely, which I think is marvy.

We need to be explicit about who/how/what can access our server, so we need to open a few holes in the firewall.

The first will be for us, the second will be for our website later on:echo "Guessing your external IP address from ipinfo.

io" IP=$(curl -s ipinfo.

io/ip) echo "Your IP is $IP" # Open up the firewall so we can access echo "Popping a hole in firewall for IP address $IP (that's you)" az mysql server firewall-rule create –resource-group $RG –server $SERVERNAME –name AllowMyIP –start-ip-address $IP –end-ip-address $IP # Open up the firewall so wordpress can access – this is internal IP only echo "Popping a hole in firewall for Azure Services" az mysql server firewall-rule create –resource-group $RG –server $SERVERNAME –name AllowAzureIP –start-ip-address 0.



0 –end-ip-address 0.



0 echo "Creating WordPress Database" #IMPORTANT: you have to have the client installed locally.

If you don't, you'll get an error right about here.

mysql –host=$SERVERNAME.




com –user=$USER@$SERVERNAME –password=$PASS -e 'create database wordpress;' mysqlThe first hole is for my local IP address, which I’m grabbing using curl.

This is a subshell that pings ipinfo.

io and reads the response, setting it to a variable.

I use that response to create the first firewall rule: AllowMyIP.

The next rule looks a bit scary.

I’m creating a firewall rule that allows any service within Azure to ping my server.

This is what the Azure docs have to say about it (emphasis mine):To allow applications from Azure to connect to your Azure SQL server, Azure connections must be enabled.

When an application from Azure attempts to connect to your database server, the firewall verifies that Azure connections are allowed.

A firewall setting with starting and ending address equal to 0.



0 indicates these connections are allowed.

If the connection attempt is not allowed, the request does not reach the Azure SQL Database server.

ImportantThis option configures the firewall to allow all connections from Azure including connections from the subscriptions of other customers.

When selecting this option, make sure your login and user permissions limit access to only authorized users.

Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse firewall rulesThis might seem suboptimal when it comes to security because it is.

However, this is how every service works within any data center.

We can, if we want, further lock this thing down later on when we know the IP of our site (assuming it won’t change).

The final step in the code above is to use the mysqlclient to create the remote database.

I couldn’t find a way around this.

I know that most people don’t have MySQL installed locally, so this could be a problem for you.

I’m hoping to find a better solution someday.

Optional Step 2a: Convenience StuffI’m a control freak and I like to have access to my database.

I also hate trying to remember login information so to help myself out I’ll setup a .

envfile with the relevant bits:echo "Setting ENV variables locally" MYSQL_SERVER=$SERVERNAME.





env echo "alias prod="mysql –host=$SERVERNAME.




com –user=$USER@$SERVERNAME –password=$PASS" wordpress" echo "MySQL ENV vars added to .


You can printenv to see them, or cat .


" echo "To access your MySQL Instance just run `prod` as an alias.

You can rename this in .


"If you don’t know, a .

envfile typically contains environment variables and other things intended to help you with development.

They might contain local database configuration, etc.

Here, I’m outputting some environment variables and I’m also setting up an alias so I can connect to prodas needed.

Side note: if you use zshell and oh-my-zsh.there’s a plugin called “dotenv” that will automatically load any .

env file in a directory when you navigate to it.

You don’t want this checked into source control!Step 3: Creating The Web AppWe want our WordPress site to be fully managed, from the database all the way down to the website itself.

This will allow us to flip a few bits in the future to add more cores to either the site or the database.

This is not a VM.

Well, at least as far as you’re concerned.

All of that is abstracted into Azure’s “service fabric”.

That said, the first thing you need to do is to pick the size of your VM in the form of a plan :p:#create the plan #accepted values: B1, B2, B3, D1, F1, FREE, P1, P1V2, P2, P2V2, P3, P3V2, PC2, PC3, PC4, S1, S2, S3, SHARED #B2 is good for getting started – read up on the different levels and their associated cost.

PLAN=B2 echo "Creating AppService Plan" az appservice plan create –name $RG –resource-group $RG –sku $PLAN –is-linuxYou can think about this plan in terms of its capacity and compute power.

B1 is the lowest but won’t work if you’re using Linux.

If your WordPress site is going to power some serious traffic, you might consider a plan with a bit more horsepower to it.

It’s not the most straightforward thing, but you can have a read about plans here.

Now we get to spin up our WordPress site.

We could pull down the WordPress source (PHP) and then send it up to Azure, specifying deployment and runtime settings etc.

Or we could simply specify the image on DockerHub:echo "Creating Web app" az webapp create –resource-group $RG –plan $RG –name $APPNAME –deployment-container-image-name wordpressWhen you create a webappon Azure, it needs to know 1) how to run it and 2) how to deploy it.

You can specify a Python runtime, for instance, and “local Git” as the deployment option.

This would allow you to push from your local machine and have your Flask app “just run”.

If you’re using Docker, however, the runtime is built into the image.

All that Azure needs to do is to know where to get it.

It’ll use your plan to create and run a container.

In the code above, I’m telling Azure to use the wordpress image, which Azure knows to pull down from DockerHub.

Having a look at the image description on DockerHub, you can see there are a number of environment variables that I can set for the image, namely the database connection bits.

This is perfect for our needs, but how do you pass this through from Azure?The good news is that Azure will pass whatever app settings you have for your webapp directly to your container:echo "Adding app settings" #add the settings for the new MYSQL bits az webapp config appsettings set –name $APPNAME –resource-group $RG –settings WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=$MYSQL_SERVER WORDPRESS_DB_USER=$MYSQL_USER WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_PASSWORD WEBSITES_PORT=80The environment variables are expected by the WordPress container, and I’m setting them to the MySQL database that I created above.

The last setting, WEBSITES_PORT, tells Azure which port to forward to in the container.

I think the default is port 80, but I’m setting it here just for clarity.

The final thing we need to do is a bit of a bugger for me: we need to explicitly turn on logging.

I wish this just happened by default, like with Heroku, but it doesn’t so we need to:#turn on logging echo "Setting up logging" #setup logging and monitoring az webapp log config –application-logging true –detailed-error-messages true –web-server-logging filesystem –level information –name $APPNAME –resource-group $RGI’m outputting everything here because I want to know exactly what happens when Azure tries to spin up this container.

I’ll be honest: debugging the container stuff has been difficult.

Step 3a: More Convenience BitsAs I mention, I’m a huge fan of laziness and I like to add things to .

env files when I can.

Let’s do that now so we can tail our application logs with a simple command:echo "Adding logs alias to .


Invoking this will allow you to see the application logs realtime-ish.

" #set an alias for convenience – add to .

env alias logs="az webapp log tail –name $APPNAME –resource-group $RG" echo "alias logs='az webapp log tail -n $APPNAME -g $RG'" >> .

envI’m setting the alias for the current shell and I’m also appending it to .

envso I can access it later on.

Step 4: Run it!We’re ready to go.The only thing left to do is to navigate to our new site.

The first request will take a while as Azure is pulling down our image and running it for the first time.

You can see this if you tail the logs while the site is loading, which is the very last step of our script:echo "Opening site and viewing logs" open https://$APPNAME.


net source .

env logsI’m opening our new URL, loading our new .

env file into the shell and then calling our new alias, logs.

This will allows us to see what’s happening at Azure as WordPress spins up.

Hopefully, after a minute or so, you see something like this:Seriously, Why Would You Do All of This?It’s a good question, one I’ve asked myself repeatedly over the last few days.

The answer is simple: this WordPress site is massively scalable.

That’s kind of a big deal.

It’s running right on the Azure “metal”, so to speak and I don’t need to worry about upscaling a VM.

As I mention: I really like WordPress and I run my business on it.

Having it all on Azure would be a nice peace of mind.

As for costs, you’ll have to take a look at your subscription and decide if something like this is right for you.

I have a regular subscription that I pay for and I can tell you that this setup is comparable with what I’ve seen for WordPress hosting.

Feedback, On Its WayEvery time I do stuff like this I end up with a big writeup for the product teams to look over.

It’s important to note that this isn’t a situation where I “just send an email” or file a bug.

My team works closely with the product teams and they like (I think) that we’re beating on their stuff.

I’ll be letting them know my thoughts on the MySQL stuff (admin user/pass, executing a remote command, etc) and a few more things that I need to get clarity on first.

That’s a bit of a problem I have right now as I step into all of this: learning it is not straightforward.

I suppose that will be my biggest point of feedback.

There’s so much to learn.It’s hard to get going and often I find myself doing things the “old way”.

It’s also my job to help get this stuff in order, which I like.

Originally published at rob.


io on January 9, 2019.


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