Here are some super secret VS Code hacks to boost your productivity

This will really help you focus on a function or study someone else’s code.

Zen Mode: [View > Appearance > Toggle Zen Mode]Center Layout: [View > Appearance > Toggle Centered Layout]3.

Fonts With LigaturesWriting style makes reading easy and convenient.

You can make your editor look better with awesome fonts along with ligatures.

Here are 6 of the best fonts that support ligatures (according to www.


co)Coding with LigaturesYou can try Fira Code, it’s just awesome and open source.

This is how you change font in VSCode after installing it.


fontFamily": "Fira Code","editor.

fontLigatures": trueSource: https://github.


pngThe well renowned font Operator Mono does not come with native support for ligatures.

However, if you are a big fan of ligatures, you can add them using this library.


Rainbow IndentIndent with style.

This extension colorizes the indentation in front of your text alternating four different colors on each step.

Rainbow Indent: https://marketplace.



indent-rainbowThe default indentation setting colors the indentation following a rainbow scheme.

I however customized my own to follow different shades of grey.

If you wish yours to look like this example, copy and paste the following snippet in your settings.


colors": ["rgba(16,16,16,0.











Title Bar CustomizationThis is a great visual tweak.

I copied it from Wes Bos in one of his React & GraphQL lessons.

Basically he switched the title bar colors on different projects to recognize them easily and help the audience distinguish between them too.

This is really useful if you work on apps that may have the same code or file names, for example, a react-native mobile app and a react web app.

This is done by editing Title Bar settings in the Workspace Settings for each project in which you want different title bar colors.

Faster CodingThe very essence of getting it done in time1.

Tag WrappingIf you do not know Emmet, then you are probably someone that likes typing it all.

Emmet enables you to type an abbreviated code and get the returned corresponding tags.

This is done by selecting a bunch of code and typing the command Wrap with Abbreviated which I keybinded to shift+alt+.

Watch it below.

Wrap it up with EmmetImagine you want to wrap all of these but as individual lines.

You’d use wrap with individual lines then insert * after the abbreviation e.

g div*In case you want to jump right into Emmeting, this is the Emmet Cheatsheet2.

Balance Inwards and OutwardsThis tip was taken from https://vscodecandothat.

com/ which I really recommend.

You can select a whole tag in VS Code by using the balance inward and balance outward Emmet commands.

It's helpful to bind these commands to keyboard shortcuts, like Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow for Balance Outward and Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow for Balance Inward.

Balance Inwards/Outwards3.

Turbo Console.

log()No one likes typing very long statements like console.


It can be really irritating, mostly when you just want to output something really fast, view its value, then continue coding.

What if I told you you could console log anything as fast as Lucky Luke?This is done with an extension called Turbo Console Log.

It enables the logging of any variable on the line below with an automatic prefixing following the code structure.

You are also able to uncomment/comment alt+shift+u/ alt+shift+c all the console.

log() added by this extension.

Moreover, you can also delete all of them with alt+shift+d:Console logging like Lucky Luke4.

Live serverThis is an awesome extension that helps you launch a local development server with live reload feature for static and dynamic pages.

It has a great support for major features like: HTTPS, CORS, custom localhost addresses and port.

Download it hereSource (https://marketplace.



LiveServer)It can even enable you to share your localhost, if used with VSCode LiveShare.


Copy/Paste with Multiple CursorsOne of the first “Wows” I screamed when using VS Code happened when I edited multiple lines by adding cursors on different lines.

Long after, I found a very good use to this feature.

You are able to copy and paste the content selected by those cursors and they’ll be pasted exactly in the order in which they were copied.

Check out below.

Copy and Paste with different cursors6.

Breadcrumbs and OutlinesThe Breadcrumb shows the current location and allows you to quickly navigate between symbols and files.

To start using breadcrumbs, enable it with the View > Toggle Breadcrumbs command or via the breadcrumbs.

enabled setting.

The Outline View is a separate section at the bottom of the File Explorer Tree.

When expanded, it will show the symbol tree of the currently active editor.

The Outline view has different Sort by modes, optional cursor tracking.

It also includes an input box which filters symbols as you type.

Errors and warnings are also shown in the Outline view, letting you see at a glance a problem’s location.

Breadcrumb and Outline RelationMiscellaneousThose little tweaks that change everything1.

Code CLIVS Code has a powerful command line interface that lets you control how you launch the editor.

You can open files, install extensions, change the display language, and output diagnostics through command line options (switches).

Imagine you’ve just git clone <repo-url> a repository and you want to replace the current instance of VS Code you are using.

code .

-r will do the trick without you having to leave the CLI interface (Learn more here).


PolacodeYou often come upon appealing code screenshots with custom fonts and themes like the one below.

This was taken in VS Code with Polacode ExtensionI know Carbon is also a good and more customizable alternative.

However, Polacode enables you stay in your code editor and use any proprietary font you may have bought which is unusable in Carbon.


Quokka (JS/TS ScratchPad)Quokka is a rapid prototyping playground for JavaScript and TypeScript.

It runs your code immediately as you type and displays various execution results and console logs in your code editor.

An awesome use case for Quokka is when you are studying for technical interviews, you are able to output each step without having the stress of setting breakpoints in debuggers.

It can also help you study a library’s functions like Lodash or MomentJS before actually using them.

It even works for Async calls.


WakaTimeDo your friends think you spend too much time coding?.Record it and show them that 10hrs/day is not “too much”.

WakaTime is an extension that helps to record and store metrics and analytics regarding your programming activity.

You can set goals, view coding languages you often use, you can even compare yourself to other ninjas in the world.

WakaTime Dashboard and Leaderboards6.

VSCode Hacker TyperHave you ever been typing code in front of a crowd?.You often type recklessly and talk while typing which confuses you a little bit.

Imagine a pre-typed code that only comes up when you simulate typing like in geektyper.

Jani Eväkallio brought to VS Code this extension.

It will help you record and replay macros (code written in your editor) making you 100% more focused when typing to an audience.


Exclude foldersI learned this trick on a StackOverFlow post.

This one is a quick tweak for excluding folders like node_modules or any other from the explorer tree to help you focus only on what matters.

As for me, I really hate opening the tedious node_module folder in my editor, so I decided to hide it.

For example to hide node_modules you can do this:Go to File > Preferences > Settings (or on Mac Code > Preferences > Settings)Search files.

exclude in the settingsSelect add pattern and type **/node_modulesVoila! node_modules disappeared from the explorer tree8.

[Your Suggestions]You can always comment some of your most secret tips on VSCode, I’ll be glad to append them to the list to help others.

 :)I hope these tips will really boost your productivity with VS Code.

Please clap and share the post if you liked it and comment if I missed any extension.

Dylan Tientcheu (@DylanTientcheu) | TwitterDylan Tientcheu(@DylanTientcheu).

Javascript 熱狂者 * #Developer & #Designer * Technical Writer *…twitter.


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