We will be using database first in this case.In order to model and query our Postgres database EF Core requires a Database Provider to be installed..We will install Npgsql which is an open source Postgres provider..You can add it to your project from NuGet using the Visual Studio GUI or the command line.For the following steps you will need a Postgres database running..You can run one locally on Windows or on another server..I setup Postgres on an Ubuntu server, created a database, and then allowed external connections..Once you have one running we can create a simple schema by running the following SQL script:You may notice I use plural table names in the database..If you want the model classes to have singular names you can install a pluralizer package to do this when the model is generated.To model this schema we can run one of the following commands in command prompt, WSL, PowerShell, or the VS Package Manager Console..Make sure you are in the directory containing the project file (*.csproj).See the command line reference for more options.Once the modelling is complete you will have 3 classes in the Models directory and one in the Context directory..The Models each represent a row in the database and it’s related data while the DataContext represents the full state of the database.If you build the project you may notice a warning from a #warning directive in the OnConfiguring handler of BlogContext..EF Core embeds the connection string we used for modeling into the DataContext so that it will work for database access out of the box..This represents a potential security risk so you can remove the entire OnConfiguring handler and we will configure the connection string next time.The source code for this tutorial is available on GitHub.. More details