So You Want to be a Data Manager?

Best Practices in Data Management Gaining the insights needed to make data-driven decisions begins with asking a business question and then collecting the data needed to answer the question..This requires collecting vast amounts of data from different sources and then using best practices while storing and organizing it, cleaning and mining it, and then analyzing and presenting it in the best way to make business decisions..The use of best practices produces better analytics..As much as 40 percent of all strategic processes break down as a result of poor data..A few useful best practices Data Managers should use include: Determine what data can best predict an outcome with the understanding more data is better than less..Using data templates can ensure only relevant, usable data will be collected..Scrub data, which requires profiling, adding missing data values, correcting data, and finding duplicate data..Introduce Data Governance practices to help ensure data is high quality..A well-designed Data Governance program includes clearly defined procedures, long term-planning, and a governing council..Documented data should describe its content, context, parameters, and identify staff members who can use the data..The documentation process should also include creating broad-ranging metadata tags to promote the discovery and use of data..Data Management Platforms The top Data Management platforms provide businesses with the ability to leverage Big Data from multiple sources in real-time.. More details

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