Collecting all IPv4 WHOIS records in Python

""" import json from random import randint import socket import struct import sys from docopt import docopt import ipcalc from ipwhois import IPWhois import gevent from pyelasticsearch import ElasticSearch from pyelasticsearch.exceptions import ElasticHttpError, ElasticHttpNotFoundError import requests def ip2long(ip): """ Convert IPv4 address in string format into an integer :param str ip: ipv4 address :return: ipv4 address :rtype: integer """ packed_ip = socket.inet_aton(ip) return struct.unpack("!L", packed_ip)[0] def get_next_ip(ip_address): """ :param str ip_address: ipv4 address :return: next ipv4 address :rtype: str >>> get_next_ip('') '' >>> get_next_ip('') '' >>> get_next_ip('') '' >>> get_next_ip('') is None True """ assert ip_address.count('.') == 3, 'Must be an IPv4 address in str representation' if ip_address == '': return None try: return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', ip2long(ip_address) + 1)) except Exception, error: print 'Unable to get next IP for %s' % ip_address raise error def get_netrange_end(asn_cidr): """ :param str asn_cidr: ASN CIDR :return: ipv4 address of last IP in netrange :rtype: str """ try: last_in_netrange = ip2long(str(ipcalc.Network(asn_cidr).host_first())) + ipcalc.Network(asn_cidr).size() – 2 except ValueError, error: print 'Issue calculating size of %s network' % asn_cidr raise error return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', last_in_netrange)) def get_next_undefined_address(ip): """ Get the next non-private IPv4 address if the address sent is private :param str ip: IPv4 address :return: ipv4 address of net non-private address :rtype: str >>> get_next_undefined_address('') '' >>> get_next_undefined_address('') '' >>> get_next_undefined_address('') '' >>> get_next_undefined_address('') is None True """ try: # Should weed out many invalid IP addresses ipcalc.Network(ip) except ValueError, error: return None defined_networks = ( '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ) for network_cidr in defined_networks: if ip in ipcalc.Network(network_cidr): return get_next_ip(get_netrange_end(network_cidr)) return ip def break_up_ipv4_address_space(num_threads=8): """ >>> break_up_ipv4_address_space() == [('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', '')] True """ ranges = [] multiplier = 256 / num_threads for marker in range(0, num_threads): starting_class_a = (marker * multiplier) ending_class_a = ((marker + 1) * multiplier) – 1 ranges.append(('%d.0.0.0' % starting_class_a, '%d.255.255.255' % ending_class_a)) return ranges def get_netranges(starting_ip='', last_ip='', elastic_search_url='', index_name='netblocks', doc_name='netblock', sleep_min=1, sleep_max=5): connection = ElasticSearch(elastic_search_url) current_ip = starting_ip while True: # See if we've finished the range of work if ip2long(current_ip) > ip2long(last_ip): return current_ip = get_next_undefined_address(current_ip) if current_ip == None: # No more undefined ip addresses return print current_ip try: whois_resp = IPWhois(current_ip).lookup_rws() except Exception as error: """ If a message like: 'STDERR: getaddrinfo( Name or service not known' appears' then print it out and try the next IP address..""" print type(error), error current_ip = get_next_ip(current_ip) if current_ip is None: return # No more undefined ip addresses gevent.sleep(randint(sleep_min, sleep_max)) continue if 'asn_cidr' in whois_resp and whois_resp['asn_cidr'] is not None and whois_resp['asn_cidr'].count('.') == 3: last_netrange_ip = get_netrange_end(whois_resp['asn_cidr']) else: try: last_netrange_ip = whois_resp['nets'][0]['range'].split('-')[-1].strip() assert last_netrange_ip.count('.') == 3 except: # No match found for n + 'Missing ASN CIDR in whois resp: %s' % whois_resp current_ip = get_next_ip(current_ip) if current_ip is None: return # No more undefined ip addresses gevent.sleep(randint(sleep_min, sleep_max)) continue assert last_netrange_ip is not None and last_netrange_ip.count('.') == 3, 'Unable to find last netrange ip for %s: %s' % (current_ip, whois_resp) # Save current_ip and whois_resp entry = { 'netblock_start': current_ip, 'netblock_end': last_netrange_ip, 'block_size': ip2long(last_netrange_ip) – ip2long(current_ip) + 1, 'whois': json.dumps(whois_resp), } keys = ('cidr', 'name', 'handle', 'range', 'description', 'country', 'state', 'city', 'address', 'postal_code', 'abuse_emails', 'tech_emails', 'misc_emails', 'created', 'updated') for _key in keys: entry[_key] = str(whois_resp['nets'][0][_key]) if _key in whois_resp['nets'][0] and whois_resp['nets'][0][_key] else None if _key == 'city' and entry[_key] and ' ' in entry[_key]: entry[_key] = entry[_key].replace(' ', '_') try: connection.index(index_name, doc_name, entry) except ElasticHttpError, error: print 'At %s..Unable to save record: %s' % (current_ip, entry) raise error current_ip = get_next_ip(last_netrange_ip) if current_ip is None: return # No more undefined ip addresses gevent.sleep(randint(sleep_min, sleep_max)) def stats(elastic_search_url, index_name, doc_name): fields = ('country', 'city') url = '%s/%s/_search?fields=aggregations' % (elastic_search_url, index_name) for field in fields: data = { "aggs": { field: { "terms": { "field": field, "order": {"total_ips": "desc"} }, "aggs": { "total_ips": {"sum": {"field": "block_size"}} } } } } resp = requests.get(url, data=json.dumps(data)) assert resp.status_code == 200, 'Did not get HTTP 200 back: %s' % resp.status_code _stats = json.loads(resp.content)["aggregations"][field]["buckets"] _stats = {stat['key']: int(stat['total_ips']['value']) for stat in _stats} print 'Top 10 netblock locations by %s' % field for _key in sorted(_stats, key=_stats.get, reverse=True): print "{:14,d}".format(_stats[_key]), _key.replace('_', ' ') print def main(argv): """ :param dict argv: command line arguments """ opt = docopt(__doc__, argv) if opt['collect']: sleep_min = int(opt['–sleep_min']) if opt['–sleep_min'] is not None else randint(1, 5) sleep_max = int(opt['–sleep_max']) if opt['–sleep_max'] is not None else randint(1, 5) num_threads = int(opt['–threads']) if sleep_min > sleep_max: sleep_min, sleep_max = sleep_max, sleep_min threads = [gevent.spawn(get_netranges, starting_id, ending_ip, opt['<elastic_search_url>'], opt['<index_name>'], opt['<doc_name>'], sleep_min, sleep_max) for starting_id, ending_ip in break_up_ipv4_address_space(num_threads)] gevent.joinall(threads) if opt['stats']: stats(opt['<elastic_search_url>'], opt['<index_name>'], opt['<doc_name>']) if opt['test']: import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__ == "__main__": try: main(sys.argv[1:]) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass Newer versions of the above script can be found on github.. 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