The Ultimate Learning Path to Become a Data Scientist and Master Machine Learning in 2019

For those who don’t know what a learning path is – we take the pain of going through all the resources available on data science, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, select the best ones, and arrange them in a logical sequence for you to follow..If this sounds like a lot of work – it is..And it is done with the purpose of eliminating that huge amount of work you would otherwise have to do..We understand that when you are starting out in data science, the sheer amount of resources can be overwhelming..And hence we created learning paths..And our learning paths were an instant success with our community..If learning paths were useful in 2018, this year they would be the most helpful tool for a person trying to become a data scientist..Why?.Because the amount of content and information out there has increased multi-folds..And so has the confusion and the amount of knowledge expected out of a data scientist..  Access the complete learning path to become a data scientist in 2019 here..You will need to register yourself on our training portal – this will enable you to keep track of what you have covered.. More details

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