117 Days Of My Tinder Profile In Data

My own tracking of matches messaged within three days shows a reply rate of 78%, and 84% with my best opener.SuperlikingI also began tracking my own Superliking success ratio..Out of 183 Superlikes, 14 matches resulted which is a success ratio of 8%..Here is the success by age:And the success rate by age:I had a personal theory that my success rate would be higher with younger girls but so far, no clear trends have shown up.Total ResultsThe final results of my Tindering can be summed up in this diagram:Built in SankeyMaticIn total, I went on dates with just over 1% of my matches..I consider this figure to be fairly conservative; I am very confident I could have got more dates if I had wanted.How many matches I chose to message depended primarily on how busy I was that week, if I had any other dates planned (from Bumble or girls I meet in real life) or how badly I really wanted to go on a date at that moment.Data SourcesAll of the data here is from my own Tinder profile..The majority of it came from a data request to Tinder, and some of it was self-tracked as well.. More details

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