A Starter Pack to Exploratory Data Analysis with Python, pandas, seaborn, and scikit-learn

In the categorical family, we have nominal and ordinal data, while in the Quantitative family, we have interval and ratio..It is important that we take some time to clearly define and understand the subtle, yet significant differences each term is from the other as this would affect our analysis and preprocessing techniques later.4 Different types of DataNominal dataThe name “nominal” comes from the Latin word, nomen, which means name..Nominal data are objects which are differentiated by a simple naming system..An important thing to note is that nominal data may also have numbers assigned to them..This may appear ordinal (definition below), but they are not..Numbered nominal data are simply used to capture and reference..Some examples include:a set of countries.the number pinned on a marathon runner.Ordinal dataOrdinal data are items in which their order matters..More formally, their relative positions on an ordinal scale provide meaning to us..This may indicate superiority or temporal positions, etc…By default, the order of ordinal data is defined by assigning numbers to them..However, letters or other sequential symbols may also be used as appropriate..Some examples include:the competition ranking of a race (1st, 2nd, 3rd)the salary grade in an organization (Associate, AVP, VP, SVP).Interval dataSimilar to ordinal data, interval data is measured along a scale in which each object’s position is equidistant from one another.. More details

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