2018 Year-in-Review: Machine Learning Open Source Projects & Frameworks

While it was released in 2017, TensorFlow Serving has eased the work of developers this year, as far as moving models to production is concerned.  Machine Learning JavascriptThere are a couple of Javascript frameworks that have popped up that allow developers to run their models on the browser..These include TensorFlow.jsand Keras.js..Model implementation is very similar to using the normal frameworks such as Keras or TensorFlow.   Looking forward into 2019 we can expect that developers’ work will be made easier with advancements in automation tools such as Auto-Keras..We can also expect the performance of various machine learning frameworks to improve because of advanced research and the contribution of the open source community.I would also love to know some of your expectations in the machine learning space in 2019..Leave a comment below—let’s talk!  Bio: Derrick Mwiti is a data analyst, a writer, and a mentor..He is driven by delivering great results in every task, and is a mentor at Lapid Leaders Africa.Original..Reposted with permission.Related: var disqus_shortname = kdnuggets; (function() { var dsq = document.createElement(script); dsq.type = text/javascript; dsq.async = true; dsq.src = https://kdnuggets.disqus.com/embed.js; (document.getElementsByTagName(head)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(body)[0]).appendChild(dsq); })();. More details

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