Seattle is Perfect for Data Scientists. Here’s Why!

Seattle is Perfect for Data Scientists..Now that I’ve had some time to reflect on my experience in Seattle, I’m coming to the realization that the city is one of the best places aspiring data scientists can call home.First: Seattle is the fastest growing city in the United States..In fact,’s search for the next “Silicon Valley” found that Seattle is the tech hub with the fastest growth rate in tech-job openings.Data scientists are particularly in demand in Seattle, as the city faces one of the biggest shortages of data scientists in the U.S..And as a data scientist, Seattle is at the top for markets to invest in with a huge potential upside and strong momentum to boot!With all of these things going for it, it’s no surprise more and more aspiring data scientists are starting to call Seattle home!Do you live in Seattle or have you visited recently?. More details

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