Harvard Caselaw Access Project data by the numbers

The distribution of the number of cases by jurisdiction is plotted below.Distribution of the number of cases by jurisdiction.Relative to the state population as of 2017, Louisiana has the highest number of cases per capita, followed by New York and the District of Columbia.Cases per capita and jurisdiction.The majority of cases are from 1990 onwards, meaning that they have an associated decision date around 1990 or more recent..The average and median numbers of tokens contained in a single opinion by jurisdiction in decreasing order are plotted below.Average and median number of tokens contained in a single opinion by jurisdiction in decreasing order.Finally, the number of (sets of) attorneys per case is generally 2, one for each side..The average and median number of sets of attorneys per case and jurisdiction are plotted below.Average and median number of sets of attorneys per case and jurisdiction.Particularly the ‘opinion’ section of the Harvard Caselaw dataset provides many more opportunities for interesting discoveries.. More details

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