Top 5 domains Big Data analytics helps to transform

IDC predicts that worldwide revenues for big data and business analytics will amount to more than $203 billion in 2020, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7%.Big Data Analytics is used to improve business processes across such industries as Media and Entertainment, Finance, Government, Retail, Healthcare, Energy, Aviation, and many more..Here are some of the tasks Big Data analytics can help you to solve: Source: Newvantage Partners Big Data Executive Survey 2017Due to quantitative nature, Financial Services and Fintech are a perfect fit for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Big Data analytics.There are many open-source machine learning algorithms and tools that are compatible with financial data and help to produce actionable and accurate insights..Another important aspect is predicting aircraft engine parts failures as aircraft engine part replacements are among the most common and critical maintenance tasks in the aviation industry.Data Science and Big Data analytics are real game-changers for the transportation industry..She’s been working in technology companies for three years writing about emerging technologies like Data Science, AI/Machine learning, blockchain, and their implication for business.Resources:Related: var disqus_shortname = kdnuggets; (function() { var dsq = document.createElement(script); dsq.type = text/javascript; dsq.async = true; dsq.src =; (document.getElementsByTagName(head)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(body)[0]).appendChild(dsq); })();. More details

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