Four billion people lack an address. Machine learning could change that.

(And this isn’t just in the developing world.)  Recommended for You I 3D-printed every bit of my wedding—including my bouquet EXCLUSIVE: Chinese scientists are creating CRISPR babies US Army soldiers will soon wear Microsoft’s HoloLens AR goggles in combat The Chinese scientist who claims he made CRISPR babies is under investigation CRISPR inventor Feng Zhang calls for moratorium on gene-edited babies “As you move into a more global economy and more people order and get goods delivered at a distance, you need a more specific address than ‘the house with the red door across from the cathedral,’” says Merry Law, the president of a company that provides international addressing information..But Ilke Demir, a researcher at Facebook and one of the creators of the new system, says its main advantage is that it follows existing road topology and helps residents understand how two addresses relate to one another..“If you have the address—let’s say—‘’ and someone else has the address ‘tables.chairs.television,’ you have no idea if you are neighbors with that person,” she says..We want addresses that people can relate intuitively.” “I think it’s bloody brilliant,” says Charles Prescott, an international lawyer and founder of the nonprofit Global Address Data Association..“Generating the addresses isn’t the main issue,” says Prescott..“It’s getting people to adopt them.” Many different factors play into whether an address scheme will be embraced.. More details

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